为了筛选出影响长肋日月贝(Amusium pleuronectes)经济性状的形态指标,对人工选育提供参考。本研究以广西北海、海南儋州、海南三亚、海南陵水和海南琼海5个地区的野生长肋日月贝为研究对象,分别测定其4个形态性状(壳长、壳高、壳宽、绞合线长)和4个经济性状(湿重、软体重、性腺重、闭壳肌重),经多元统计分析获得影响长肋日月贝主要经济性状的形态性状,再通过聚类分析探讨5个地区长肋日月贝的分类关系。结果显示,不同地区影响其经济性状的形态性状有所不同,其中,直接影响其湿重作用最大的性状是海南儋州、海南陵水和海南琼海的壳高,广西北海的壳长以及海南三亚的壳宽;直接影响其软体重作用最大的是海南儋州、海南陵水和海南琼海的壳高,广西北海的壳宽以及海南三亚的壳长;直接影响其性腺重作用最大的是海南儋州和海南三亚的壳高,广西北海的壳宽,海南陵水的绞合线长以及海南琼海的壳长;直接影响其闭壳肌重作用最大的是海南儋州、海南陵水和海南琼海的壳高,广西北海的壳宽以及海南三亚的壳长。研究表明,剔除对主要经济性状影响不显著的形态性状后,不同地区被保留形态性状与对应湿重、软体重、闭壳肌重的复相关系数较大,可以认为是影响其经济性状的主要自变量。聚类分析结果显示,地理位置越近,形态相似度越高。因此,在进行人工选育时,应针对不同地区做相应统计分析,以便选出最佳的形态性状,从而有助于提高育种效率。
This paper is aim to determine the factors of the main morphological traits on the main economic traits of Amusium pleuronecte s,and to screen the optimal and measurable indices for artifical breeding.The correlations between morphological traits and main economic traits of A.pleuronecte s were determined using the multivariate statistical analysis and identification of structures within the data was determined using the clustering analysis.A.pleuronectes individuals from each of 5 regions(Beihai of Guangxi Province,Danzhou of Hainan Province,Sanya of Hainan Province,Lingshui of Hainan Province and Qionghai of Hainan Province)were measured 4 morphological traits(shell length,shell height,shell width and hinge length)and morphological traits economic traits(wet weight,tissue weight,gonad weight and adductor muscle weight).Correlation coefficients among all variables were calculated using SPSS 21.0 software.Path coefficients were calculated by setting an economic trait as a dependent variable respectively and other traits were as independent variables via stepwise elimination selection.These results showed the morphological traits of different regions varied from the main economic traits,such as the most direct factors determining wet weight were the shell height from Danzhou of Hainan Province,Lingshui of Hainan Province and Qionghai of Hainan Province,the shell length from Beihai of Guangxi Province,and the shell width from Sanya of Hainan Province;the most direct factors determing tissue weight were the shell height from Danzhou of Hainan Province,Lingshui of Hainan Province and Qionghai of Hainan Province,the shell width from Beihai of Guangxi Province and the shell length from Sanya of Hainan Province;the most direct factors determing gonad weight were the shell height from Danzhou of Hainan Province and Sanya of Hainan Province,the shell width from Beihai of Guangxi Province,the hinge length from Lingshui of Hainan Province,and the shell length from Qionghai of Hainan Province;the most direct factors determing adductor muscle weight were the shell height from Danzhou of Hainan Province,Lingshui of Hainan Province and Qionghai of Hainan Province,the shell width from Beihai of Guangxi Province,and the shell length from Sanya Hainan Province.Taken together,the retained morphological traits in different regions were associated closely with the main economic traits after eliminating non-significant traits among them.The clustering analysis suggested that the closer geographical location,the more similar shape in terms of the morphological tratis.Therefore,for artificial breeding,statistical analysis in different regions also should be taken into consideration,thereby the optimal selection is helpful to improve the breeding efficiency.[Chinese Fishery Quanlity and Standrards,2018,8(2):17-28]
DENG Zhenghua;CHEN Mingqiang;LI Youning;WU Kaichang;WANG Yu(Key Laboratory of South China Sea Fishery Resources Exploitation&Utilization of Ministry of Agriculture;South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Guangzhou 510300,China;Tropical Fisheries Research and Development Center,South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Sanya 572018,China)
Chinese Fishery Quality and Standards
Amusium pleuronecte s
morphological traits
economic traits
correlation analysis
path analysis