
Inhibition of α5 GABAA receptors has preventive but not therapeutic effects on isoflurane-induced memory impairment in aged rats 被引量:3

Inhibition of α5 GABAA receptors has preventive but not therapeutic effects on isoflurane-induced memory impairment in aged rats
摘要 The α5 subunit-containing gamma-amino butyric acid type A receptors(α5 GABAARs) are a distinct subpopulation that are specifically distributed in the mammalian hippocampus and also mediate tonic inhibitory currents in hippocampal neurons. These tonic currents can be enhanced by low-dose isoflurane, which is associated with learning and memory impairment. Inverse agonists of α5 GABAARs, such as L-655,708, are able to reverse the short-term memory deficit caused by low-dose isoflurane in young animals. However, whether these negative allosteric modulators have the same effects on aged rats remains unclear. In the present study, we mainly investigated the effects of L-655,708 on low-dose(1.3%) isoflurane-induced learning and memory impairment in elderly rats. Young(3-month-old) and aged(24-month-old) Wistar rats were randomly assigned to receive L-655,708 0.5 hour before or 23.5 hours after 1.3% isoflurane anesthesia.The Morris Water Maze tests demonstrated that L-655,708 injected before or after anesthesia could reverse the memory deficit in young rats. But in aged rats, application of L-655,708 only before anesthesia showed similar effects. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction showed that low-dose isoflurane decreased the mRNA expression of α5 GABAARs in aging hippocampal neurons but increased that in young animals. These findings indicate that L-655,708 prevented but could not reverse 1.3% isoflurane-induced spatial learning and memory impairment in aged Wistar rats. All experimental procedures and protocols were approved by the Experimental Animal Ethics Committee of Academy of Military Medical Science of China(approval No. NBCDSER-IACUC-2015128) in December 2015. The α5 subunit-containing gamma-amino butyric acid type A receptors(α5 GABAARs) are a distinct subpopulation that are specifically distributed in the mammalian hippocampus and also mediate tonic inhibitory currents in hippocampal neurons. These tonic currents can be enhanced by low-dose isoflurane, which is associated with learning and memory impairment. Inverse agonists of α5 GABAARs, such as L-655,708, are able to reverse the short-term memory deficit caused by low-dose isoflurane in young animals. However, whether these negative allosteric modulators have the same effects on aged rats remains unclear. In the present study, we mainly investigated the effects of L-655,708 on low-dose(1.3%) isoflurane-induced learning and memory impairment in elderly rats. Young(3-month-old) and aged(24-month-old) Wistar rats were randomly assigned to receive L-655,708 0.5 hour before or 23.5 hours after 1.3% isoflurane anesthesia.The Morris Water Maze tests demonstrated that L-655,708 injected before or after anesthesia could reverse the memory deficit in young rats. But in aged rats, application of L-655,708 only before anesthesia showed similar effects. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction showed that low-dose isoflurane decreased the mRNA expression of α5 GABAARs in aging hippocampal neurons but increased that in young animals. These findings indicate that L-655,708 prevented but could not reverse 1.3% isoflurane-induced spatial learning and memory impairment in aged Wistar rats. All experimental procedures and protocols were approved by the Experimental Animal Ethics Committee of Academy of Military Medical Science of China(approval No. NBCDSER-IACUC-2015128) in December 2015.
出处 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第6期1029-1036,共8页 中国神经再生研究(英文版)
关键词 ISOFLURANE postoperative cognitive dysfunction hippocampus inverse AGONIST α5 GABAA receptors L-655 708 aged MORRIS Water MAZE memory impairment neural regeneration isoflurane postoperative cognitive dysfunction hippocampus inverse agonist α5 GABAA receptors L-655,708 aged Morris Water Maze memory impairment neural regeneration
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