
钍基熔盐堆材料发展战略 被引量:10

Development Strategy for Thorium Molten Salt Reactor Materials
摘要 作为第四代核裂变反应堆之一,熔盐堆由于其高的能量转换效率、固有安全性、适合钍燃料的利用等优越性,在世界范围内受到越来越多的关注。熔盐堆主要构件需要在高温、氟化物熔盐腐蚀及中子辐照等极端工作环境下长期稳定、安全有效地工作,因而对其所用材料提出了极大的挑战。本文从熔盐堆工况特点及其对材料的基本需求出发,描述了熔盐堆关键材料(包括合金结构材料及核石墨)的发展历程、现状及存在的问题;特别指出了针对目前实验堆建设阶段需要解决的关键科学技术问题;围绕熔盐堆研发计划,规划了熔盐堆材料未来的发展方向及路线图。 As one of the six General IV nuclear reactors,the molten salt reactor(MSR)has received an increasing attention around the world owing to its high energy conversion efficiency,inherent safety feature,and application of the thorium fuel.However,major components for MSRs are facing great challenges due to the extreme environments of high temperature,corrosive molten fluoride salt,and neutron irradiation inside the MSRs.In this paper,requirements for the MSR materials are analyzed;the development history,current status,and existing problems of the key MSR materials(including alloy structure materials and nuclear graphite)are depicted;key technical problems to be solved during the current construction of experimental MSRs are pointed out;and the development strategy for the MSR materials is proposed,based on the research and development plan for the MSRs.
作者 周兴泰 李志军 陆燕玲 黄鹤飞 贺周同 戴志敏 徐洪杰 Zhou Xingtai;Li Zhijun;Lu Yanling;Huang Hefei;He Zhoutong;Dai Zhimin;Xu Hongjie(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201800,China)
出处 《中国工程科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期29-38,共10页 Strategic Study of CAE
基金 中国工程院咨询项目"新一代核能用材发展战略研究"(2016-ZD-06)
关键词 熔盐堆 高温材料 材料–熔盐相容性 辐照效应 molten salt reactor high temperature materials material-molten salt compatibility irradiation effect
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