US President Donald Trump has priorized the WTO reform as the important multi-lateral trade policy agenda of the United States since assuming office. The US believes that problems exist in WTO in such areas as dispute settlement mechanism, promotion of trade negotiation, positioning of developing countries, rules transparency and its dealings with China’s “unfair” trade practices, which requires “breakthrough” reforms. Thus, the US attempts to use various means to replace “freedom” with “fairness”, even by resorting to its domestic laws and adopting extreme trade protectionist measures, in an attempt to promote a reform that would neither topple the old system nor build a new one, to reshape the US hegemonic status in the global multilateral trade system, and to actively put the unilateral strategy of “America First” and “Buy American and Hire American” to practice. In a world amid changes unseen in a hundred years, the WTO reform is confronted with unprecedented challenges, but is also brewing opportunities for reform to keep up with the times. Despite genuine goodwill from various sides, there are wide divergences on concrete problems and intensified conflicts of interest, which would inevitably lead to a fierce battle ahead.
Chen Fengying;Sun Lipeng
International Studies