
儿童肝移植家庭医务社会工作介入需求与建议 被引量:5

Demands and Suggestions of Medical Social Work Intervention in Children's Liver Transplantation Family
摘要 活体肝移植术在以亚洲为代表的全世界范围内迅速发展,在我国儿童肝移植领域更是成为主要手术方式。儿童肝移植术前术后的心理社会干预是多方面的,综合性的,聚焦全人健康的。笔者基于对华山医院肝移植组医生和护士的访谈,以及肝移植术后家庭的访谈,界定肝移植家庭对社会工作的需求范围和层次,在此基础上探讨此类家庭社会工作干预的建议和服务策略,致力于患儿长期健康的促进。 Living donor liver transplantation(LLT)has developed rapidly in the world,represented by Asia.It has become the main method of liver transplantation for children in China.Psychosocial intervention before and after liver transplantation in children is multi-faceted and comprehensive,focused on the health of the whole person.Based on interviews with doctors and nurses in the liver transplantation group of Huashan Hospital,and interviews with families after liver transplantation,this paper defines the scope and level of demand for medical social workers in the family of liver transplantation,and on this basis,sums up the suggestions and service strategies of social work intervention.
作者 朱修明 ZHU Xiuming(Huashan Hospital of Fudan University,Shanghai 200040,China)
出处 《现代医院》 2019年第3期322-325,共4页 Modern Hospitals
关键词 儿童肝移植 家庭社会工作 医务社会工作 儿童心理社会支持 健康促进 Liver Transplantation in Children Family Social Work Medical Social Work Children's Psychosocial Support Health Promotion
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