

Risk-taking Behavior in Competitive Situations
摘要 近年来,竞争情境下的冒险行为受到学者的广泛关注。普遍研究表明,竞争能够促进冒险行为。基于此,文章首先对竞争与冒险行为的概念和测量方式进行介绍,并概述竞争与冒险行为的关系及其影响因素。随后,使用社会比较理论与风险敏感理论解释了竞争对冒险行为影响的心理机制。同时,文章也进一步探讨了其神经生理机制。最后,文章总结并拓展了现有研究框架,为未来该领域的研究提出了一些思考与展望。 Currently,a number of researchers have examined risk-taking behaviors in competitive situations and found that competition can increase the individual risk-taking behaviors.This review begins by describing how to define competition and risk-taking and how to measure them in psychological research.Then,studies investigating the effect of competition on individuals’risk-taking are described and factors that modulate such effects are summarized.Furthermore,the social comparison theory and risk-sensitive theory are introduced in an attempt to account for such effects.Additionally,we also introduce neurophysiological mechanisms about the effects of competition on risk-taking behavior.Finally,this review summaries and extends the existing research framework and future directions are also discussed.
作者 刘振亮 李志杰 李岩松 LIU Zhen-liang;LI Zhi-jie;LI Yan-song(Department of Psychology,School of Social and Behavioral Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China;Institute for Brain Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China;Fushun Technician Institute,Fushun 113123,China)
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2019年第2期122-130,共9页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 国家自然科学基金(31600929) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(010914380002)
关键词 竞争 冒险行为 社会比较理论 风险敏感理论 competition risk-taking behavior social comparison theory risk-sensitivity theory
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