

Probability and Naturalness: Acceptability of Translation Texts from Perspective of Discourse Analysis
摘要 伴随着"一带一路"倡议的实施与深入,市场对翻译人才的需求越来越旺盛,对翻译人才培养也就越来越受到教育工作者的重视。如何培养高质量的翻译人才,特别是翻译硕士教学应该如何设计;如何处理语言知识学习和翻译技能训练之间的关系;语言学理论在翻译教学中应如何发挥作用等一系列问题,就显得尤为重要。文章从语篇分析相关理论入手,分析了翻译文本的可能性、自然度及可接受性问题。研究表明,语言学相关理论,特别是语篇分析理论有助于提高翻译水平和指导翻译实践,并对翻译工作和翻译人才培养课程设置提供借鉴。 The development of economy and the changes of language policy,in line with the implementation of the " One Belt One Road" initiative,lead to the great need for translators in many areas. And the cultivation of translation talents has caused the attention of educationalists. However,how to train high quality translators? What are the major components in MTI syllabus,especially the relation between language knowledge and translation strategies? To put specifically,what are the roles of linguistics or language theories in MTI syllabus? This paper starts from the relevant theory of discourse analysis and then distinguishes the concepts of probability and naturalness as well as acceptability of translation texts so as to show that linguistic theories, especially discourse analysis,can help improve translation standard and thus to give inspiration for those who design translation syllabus or who are engaged in translation practices.
作者 杨玉晨 Yang Yuchen(School of Foreign Languages,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China)
出处 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期12-19,共8页 Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"语用认知视角下的词汇同义关系构建研究"(16CYY061)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 可能性 自然度 可接受性 翻译文本 语篇分析 Probability Naturalness Acceptability Translation texts Discourse analysis
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