
Image Pro-Plus软件对牙冠表面白垩斑病损采用渗透树脂治疗效果定量分析的应用 被引量:7

Application of image pro-plus in quantitative analysis of the therapeutic effect of resin infiltration on white spot lesions
摘要 目的探讨Image Pro-Plus软件对牙冠表面白垩斑病损采用渗透树脂治疗效果定量分析的方法及意义。方法选择5例牙冠表面白垩斑病损患者的10颗上中切牙为研究对象,分别于常规渗透树脂术前与术后进行数码照片采集,采用Image ProPlus软件测量白垩斑与牙冠面积的比例,对比术前与术后白垩斑与牙冠面积比例的变化。结果术前白垩斑与牙冠面积的比例为0.518±0.152,术后白垩斑与牙冠面积的比例为0.264±0.094,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.0003)。结论 Image Pro-Plus软件对牙冠表面白垩斑病损采用渗透树脂治疗效果定量分析具有客观性与实用性。 Objective To explore the application of Image Pro-Plus in quantitative analysis of the therapeutic effect on resin infiltration for white spot lesions (WSL).Methods Images from 10 maxillary central incisors with WSL were collected by digital camera before and after treatment of resin infiltration.Images were imported into Image Pro-Plus.The ratio of WSL of each crown before and after treatment of resin infiltration were compared.Results The difference of white spot lesions btween before and after treatment was significant.Conclusion Image Pro-Plus is objective and practical in quantitative analysis of the therapeutic effect on resin infiltration for WSL.
作者 罗纬 陈向深 孙晋 LUO Wei;CHEN Xiangshen;SUN Jin(Stomatology Health Care Center,Affiliated Shenzhen Maternity & Child Healthcare Hospital,Southern Medical University,Shenzhen518048,China)
出处 《分子影像学杂志》 2019年第2期271-273,共3页 Journal of Molecular Imaging
关键词 白垩斑病损 渗透树脂 ImagePro-Plus white spot lesions resin infiltration image Pro-Plus
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