
高龄孕产妇慢性代谢性疾病的长期管理 被引量:6

Management and Long-Term Rehabilitation of Chronic Metabolic Diseases in Pregnant Women with Advanced Maternal Age
摘要 目前高龄孕产妇的比例逐渐增加。随着年龄的增长,糖尿病、高血压、高脂血症、肥胖等代谢性疾病患病风险增加,而年龄往往是这些疾病的独立危险因素。因此,高龄孕产妇较年轻者将面临更大的风险,对高龄孕产妇的管理要求也更高。但目前对于高龄孕产妇代谢性疾病的关注点主要在于孕期,对于产后的管理与远期康复的关注度较为缺乏,孕期保健及治疗上仍存在不足及局限。为使孕产妇健康生活质量得到保障,现对高龄孕产妇产后常见慢性代谢性疾病的管理进行综述,增强产科医生对年龄因素的关注与重视。建议采用全局随访理念,加强对高龄孕产妇产后的规范管理,注意定期监测血糖、血脂、血压、体质量和腰围等,从而降低远期代谢性疾病的发病风险。 At present, the proportion of pregnant women with advanced maternal age is increasing. The risk of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity and other metabolic diseases increases with age. And age is an independent risk factor for these diseases. Therefore, women with advanced maternal age will have greater risks than younger ones, and need better management. However, there are lacks of attention on postpartum management and long-term rehabilitation of those patients. Health care is still limited. In order to improve the health quality of pregnant women with advanced maternal age, we will review the management of postpartum chronic metabolic diseases in this article. Obstetricians should pay more attention to pregnant women with advanced maternal age. We recommend a comprehensive follow-up concept to strengthen the standardized management of these women after delivery. They need a regular detection of blood sugar level, blood lipid level, blood pressure, body mass and waistline to reduce the risk of future metabolic diseases.
作者 卢莎 胡文胜 LU Sha;HU Wen-sheng(Hangzhou Women′s Hospital,Hangzhou 310008,China)
出处 《国际妇产科学杂志》 CAS 2019年第3期278-282,共5页 Journal of International Obstetrics and Gynecology
基金 杭州市农业与社会发展科研计划项目(20180417A02)
关键词 高龄产妇 母亲年龄 营养和代谢性疾病 产后管理 康复 Advanced maternal age Maternal age Nutritional and metabolic diseases Postpartum management Rehabilitation
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