In order to study the credit risk of large conglomerate clients under stressed scenarios, this paper conducts an empirical study of stress testing based on the non-performing loan data of a commercial bank within a period of 12 years. The accumulated non-performing loan ratio is first introduced as an intermediate variable, then a logit regression model is constructed to study the impact of macro-economic data on the accumulated non-performing loan ratio. Based on the model and the internal rating data, the probability of default of each conglomerate member under different scenarios is estimated respectively. We compute loss distributions of the whole portfolio under Monte-Carlo simulations and then measure the extra loss caused by the correlation introduced by conglomerates. The result shows a significant fat-tail in the loss distribution curve, which is impacted by foreign trade, pledged repo interest rate, PPI, M2 and industrial added value. Accordingly, several suggestions are proposed, including more researches on macroeconomics and policies, optimizing credit portfolio, and controlling credit concentration ratio.
Financial Regulation Research