Dr. Feng Xie is professor of mathe-matics and deputy dean of the College of Science at Donghua University. He earned his Ph. D. in applied mathematics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2005. He was a senior visiting scholar at the Mathe-matical Institute of Leiden University from september 2012 to august 2013. Dr. Xie's research interests include canard phenome-na in multiple-scale dynamical systems and singular perturbation theory. He has published more than 30 research papers in prestigious journals such as SI-AM Journal on Aplied Dynamical Systems ,Journal of Nonl inear Science ,Jour-nal of Diferential Equations ,and Asymptotic Analysis. Dr. Xie currently servesas a member of Special Committee on Singular Perturbation , Chinese Mathe-matical Society.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)