
Formation of electron depletion layer and parallel electric field in the separatrix region of anti-parallel magnetic reconnection

Formation of electron depletion layer and parallel electric field in the separatrix region of anti-parallel magnetic reconnection
摘要 It is generally accepted that during collisionless magnetic reconnection, electrons flow toward the X line in the separatrix region, and then an electron depletion layer is formed.In this paper, with two-dimensional(2 D) particle-in-cell(PIC)simulation, we investigate the characteristics of the separatrix region during magnetic reconnection.In addition to the electron depletion layer, we find that there still exists an electric field parallel to the magnetic field in the separatrix region.Because a reduced ion-to-electron mass ratio and light speed are usually used in PIC simulation models, we also change these parameters to analyze the characteristics of the separatrix region.It is found that the increase in the ion-to-electron mass ratio makes the electron depletion layer and the parallel electric field more obvious, while the influence of light speed is less pronounced. It is generally accepted that during collisionless magnetic reconnection, electrons flow toward the X line in the separatrix region, and then an electron depletion layer is formed.In this paper, with two-dimensional(2 D) particle-in-cell(PIC)simulation, we investigate the characteristics of the separatrix region during magnetic reconnection.In addition to the electron depletion layer, we find that there still exists an electric field parallel to the magnetic field in the separatrix region.Because a reduced ion-to-electron mass ratio and light speed are usually used in PIC simulation models, we also change these parameters to analyze the characteristics of the separatrix region.It is found that the increase in the ion-to-electron mass ratio makes the electron depletion layer and the parallel electric field more obvious, while the influence of light speed is less pronounced.
作者 李子圣 王焕宇 高新亮 Zisheng Li;Huanyu Wang;Xinliang Gao
出处 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第7期333-338,共6页 中国物理B(英文版)
基金 Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41774169,41527804,and 41804159) the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.QYZDJ-SSW-DQC010) the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.2016395)
关键词 magnetic RECONNECTION SEPARATRIX REGION ELECTRON depletion layer magnetic reconnection separatrix region electron depletion layer
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