
广州市医务人员参与医疗纠纷医患协商的意愿及影响因素分析——以广州市某三甲医院为例 被引量:2

Analysis of Willingness and Influencing Factors of Medical Staff Participating in Consultation on Medical Disputes in Guangzhou: Taking a Third-Class A Hospital in Guangzhou as a Case Study
摘要 目的了解医务人员参与医疗纠纷医患协商的意愿及其影响因素。方法 2016年8-12月期间,采用自行设计的问卷,对广州市某三甲医院工作满1年及以上的医务人员进行问卷调查,调查内容主要包括:医务人员人口学特征、医务人员对医疗纠纷的认知和医务人员参与医疗纠纷医患协商的意愿等。结果在472名被调查者中,作为医疗纠纷的当事者,分别有25.0%和37.9%的被调查者表示非常愿意和比较愿意参与医疗纠纷的协商。但作为医疗纠纷的非当事者,非常愿意和比较愿意参与纠纷协商的比例下降为16.9%和30.1%。针对参与协商不同原因导致的医疗纠纷的意愿调查中,参与协商因医患沟通不足导致纠纷的意愿最高(非常愿意占24.4%),参与协商因患方道德素质低下导致的纠纷意愿最低(非常愿意占14.8%)。影响因素分析显示,男性、未经历过医疗纠纷、所在科室对存在过错的纠纷当事医务人员处罚较为严厉和医院对医疗纠纷更加重视将提高医务人员作为纠纷当事者参与医患协商的意愿。结论医务人员参与医疗协商的意愿较高,但同时还需从保障参与医务人员人身安全、提升医务人员纠纷处理技能、运用促进式调解技巧改良和规范医患协商机制等方面,进一步提升当事及非当事医务人员的参与意愿,充分发挥医患协商作为解决医疗纠纷桥头堡的作用。 Objective: To investigate the willingness of medical staff to participate in consultation on medical disputes and the influencing factors. Methods: From August to December 2016, a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate medical staff working in a three-A hospital in Guangzhou for more than one year. The survey mainly includes the demographic characteristics of medical staff, their perception of medical disputes and their willingness to participate in consultation on medical staff in medical disputes. Results: Among 472 respondents, 25.0% and 37.9% of them were willing to participate in the consultation on medical disputes, respectively. However, as non-parties to medical disputes, the proportion of medical staffs who in dispute consultation reduced to 16.9% and 30.1%, respectively. Among the willingness surveys on medical disputes caused by different reasons, the willingness to participate in disputes caused by insufficient communication between doctors and patients was the highest (24.4%), while the willingness to participate in disputes caused by the low moral quality of the patient was the lowest (14.8%). The results of influencing factors analysis showed that men, those who have not experienced medical disputes, departments having serious penalties for medical staff in disputes with faults, and the hospital paid more attention to medical disputes will increase the willingness of medical staffs to participate in medical disputes consultation. Conclusion: Medical staff have a high willingness to participate in medical consultation. Meanwhile, it is necessary to further enhance the willingness of medical personnel involved and non-parties to participate in medical disputes from the aspects of ensuring the personal safety of medical personnel involved, improving medical personnel’s dispute handling skills, using facilitative mediation techniques, and standardizing the medical consultation mechanism, so as to give full play to the role of medical consultation as the key to the resolution of medical disputes.
作者 李红 郭春丽 刘玉莹 LI Hong;GUO Chunli;LIU Yuying(Chengdu Second People’s Hospital, Chengdu 610017, China;School of Health Management, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China;State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510182, China;Guangdong Second Provencal General Hospital, Guangzhou, 510515, China)
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2019年第8期1023-1028,共6页 Chinese Medical Ethics
基金 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地——四川医事卫生法治研究中心资助项目“广州市三甲医院医护人员对参与医疗纠纷院内调解认知现状及对策研究”(YF16-Q18) 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地——四川医事卫生法治研究中心资助项目“医院内医疗纠纷中立性调解技能研究”(YF18-Z04)
关键词 医疗纠纷 医患协商 医务人员 医患关系 Medical Disputes Doctor-patient Consultation Medical personnel Doctor-patient Relationship
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