Woven coronary artery (WCA) is a rare and underdiagnosed anomaly characterized by epicardial coronary artery dividing into multiple twisted single channels then anastomosing at distal segment. The malformation is usually believed as a benign condition without traces of thrombosis or dissection flaps, and merely diagnosed incidentally. However, coincidence of WCA with atherosclerosis or tachycardia may incur myocardium ischemia,[1] and even caused acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or sudden cardiac death (SCD) in reported cases.[2–4] Since the absence of evidence, the guideline for management of the coronary malformation is still lacking. Notably, as an intravascular image modality with high resolution,[5] optical coherence tomography (OCT) may shed lights on diagnosis and management of WCA.[2] Herein, we reported three cases of optimizing WCA management through performing OCT.
supported by grants from National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFC1300304)