
器官捐献高等教育模式的探索与实践 被引量:9

Exploration and practice of higher education model in the field of organ donation
摘要 中国器官移植事业的改革和法治化进程始于2007年首部器官移植法规《人体器官移植条例》的颁布。历经10年的探索,我国根据自身社会发展阶段和文化传统的具体情况,建立了一个遵循世界卫生组织指导原则和国际伦理准则且符合我国国情的国家器官捐献与移植体系。中欧双方一直重视在医学专业技术人员培训、临床科研等领域开展国际合作。多年来,双方开展了一系列卓有成效的合作项目,其中包括中欧10所大学联合向欧盟委员会“伊拉斯谟+”项目申报的“中欧器官捐献领导力培训及专业技术输送计划”。该课程旨在中国医学教育领域建立一个高等教育(研究生)新课程——器官捐献。课程融合中欧教育特点,以网络教学与临床实践相结合,联合培养了首批中国器官捐献国际师资团队及器官捐献管理人才,并正式出版了我国首部器官捐献高等教育专业双语教程——《中欧器官捐献管理(双语版)》。项目至今已成功培养了144名本地在职医务人员或在读医学研究生,并在导师指导下产出了40余篇学术论文。 The reform and legalization of organ transplantation in China began with the promulgation of the Regulation on Human Organ Transplantation in 2007, the first national organ transplantation law in China. After ten years of practice and exploration, China has established a national organ donation and transplantation system that follows the World Health Organization guiding principles and international ethical principles and conforms to the national conditions of China, in accordance with its own social development stage and cultural tradition. China and Europe have always attached great importance to international cooperation in the fields of training medical professionals and clinical research. Over the years, two sides have carried out a series of fruitful cooperation projects. Under this cooperation framework, 10 universities from China and Europe have gained approval of European Commission to carry out the knowledge transfer and leadership in organ donation from Europe to China (KeTLOD) project. This project aims to establish a new curriculum - organ donation, for higher education in the field of medical education in China. This project which combines network teaching with clinical practice integrates the characteristics of education in China and Europe. It has trained the first international organ donation teaching and management faculty team in China, and Organ Donation Management in China and Europe , the first bilingual course for organ donation in the field of higher education in China, is also published. So far, the project has successfully trained 144 local medical staffs or medical graduate students, and produced more than 40 academic papers under the guidance of tutors.
作者 中欧器官捐献领导力培训与专业技术输送计划课题组 江文诗 BALLESTE,Chloё Knowledge Transfer and Leadership in Organ Donation from Europe to China (KeTLOD) Project Curriculum
出处 《中华移植杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2019年第3期201-205,共5页 Chinese Journal of Transplantation(Electronic Edition)
基金 “伊拉斯谟+”项目(中欧器官捐献领导力培训及专业技术输送计划)
关键词 器官捐献 中欧器官捐献领导力培训及专业技术输送计划 “伊拉斯谟+”项目 高等教育 领导力培训 Organ donation Knowledge transfer and leadershipin organ donation from Europe to China Erasmus+ program Higher education Leadership training
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