针对石油企业如何利用电子商务、加快自身发展建设为主题 ,从电子商务的概念、优点和意义入手 ,对石油企业如何实施电子商务、实施的条件和应注意的几个问题等进行了详细的阐述。认为在网络经济发展的今天 ,石油石化企业只有抓住机遇 ,大力利用电子商务 ,提高传统产业的竞争力 ,才能在市场竞争中立于不败之地。
In light of the concept,advantages and significance of electronic business,a detailed discussion is made of the conditions for electronic business in oil enterprises and some note-worthy problems.It is argued that only by seizing the opportunity to greatly develop electronic business so as to enhance the competitiveness of traditional industries,can oil enterprises in China put themselves in an invulnerable position in market competition.
Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry