加入世界贸易组织后 ,中国企业面临全新的经济环境。在这种情况下 ,采取正确的发展战略至关重要 ,而多元化经营战略正是现今众多国际和国内企业所追求的热点之一。在阐述企业多元化经营战略内涵和目的的基础上 ,分析了多元化经营所可能带来的危机 ,接着针对目前中国很多企业多元化经营失败的原因 ,提出了加入WTO后企业进行成功多元化的经营的几点建议 ,以期对国内企业有所启迪。
Our country's enterprises will face a new economic enivronment after China enters the 'WTO'. In this case, it is very important to apply correct developing strategy. Many enterprises at home and abroad have been pursuing the diversification strategy. This paper first elaborates the meaning and aims of the diversification strategy, then analyzes the risks that may be caused, finally concludes the reasons of failure and provides some suggestions to our enterprises when they implement the diversification strategy.
Northern Economy and Trade