由于自然垄断行业的特殊性 ,反垄断法对自然垄断行业的基本制度是反垄断适用除外。但是这种适用除外只能是相对的 ,自然垄断企业如果滥用其优势地位实施限制竞争行为 ,仍应受到反垄断法的规制。随着自然垄断行业的科技进步和产业发展 ,原有的自然垄断特性逐渐消退 ,竞争制度正逐步引入到自然垄断行业 ,自然垄断行业因其竞争特性的加强而将会受到反垄断法更为严格的规制。
Because of the particularities of natural monopolized industry, the anti-monopoly law can not be applied. However, it would be regulated by the anti-monoply law if the natural monopolized industry abuses its superority to restrict competition. With the technical advance and industry development in natural monopolized sector, the original natural monopoly fades away. Since the competition system is being introduced into natural monopolized industry, natural monoplized industry will be supervised more strictly by the anti-monopoly law.
The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics