回顾北京大学第三医院辅助生育技术近 10年的成绩与进步。 (1)至 2 0 0 2年 6月的近 10年体外受精、胚胎移植收治容量逐年增加 ,从 1992年不足 15 0周期增至近半年收治约 5 0 0周期 ;临床妊娠率从 12 .7%增至 38.9%。(2 )冻融胚胎移植妊娠率已达近 30 %。 (3)赠卵体外受精于 1995年获活婴分娩 ,4 2例中一半获宫内活胎。 (4 )单精子卵浆内注射助孕从 1998年获成功后 ,治疗 313人次 ,临床妊娠率达 31.9% ,而采用睾丸精子该技术妊娠率达 4 8.1%。 (5 )植入前胚胎遗传学诊断技术于 2 0 0 1年获得成功 ,已娩 1例 ,在孕 1例。 (6 )相关科研工作开展广泛 ,Y染色体微缺失与男性不育的相关研究 。
To evaluate the achievement and progress of ART program at P eking University Third Hospital during the last decade. (1) The per year cases treated by ART increased gradually from less than 150 in 1992 to nearly 50 0 in the first six months of this year,and the clinical pregnancy rate per tran sfer also increased from 12.7% to 38.9% during the period. (2) The first birth throu gh frozen-thawed embryo transfer was conducted in 1995 at our center,and the p resent pregnancy rate via embryo cryopreservation was up to near 30%. (3) The pr egnancy rate was high by donation of oocytes in IVF-ET program,and half of 42 patients got intra uteri ne living pregnancy. (4) Our first ICSI baby was delivered in 1999,up to the pre sent 313 ICSI treatments were performed, and pregnancy rate reached 31.9%. The s uccess rate was even as high as 48.1% by using testicular sperm through ICSI. (5 ) One normal female baby was born in 2001 and the other one is under pregnancy.B oth of them were treated by preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (6) The research st udy related to ART program was extended to some other reproductive areas.Detect ion of the Y chromosome microdeletions before ICSI perocedure has an important m eaning for avoiding its transmission to their male offspring via ICSI .
Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences
Reproduction techniques
Embryo transf er
Fertilization in vitro