
广西隆安娅怀洞遗址出土动物遗存初步研究 被引量:2

摘要 娅怀洞遗址是广西近年又一项重要考古发现,是一处石器时代洞穴遗址,文化遗存分为4期,第一至第三期属于旧石器时代晚期,第四期属于新石器时代晚期.本文以该遗址出土动物遗存为研究对象,鉴定其种属、部位、死亡年龄和性别等信息,观察遗存保存状态和表面痕迹,对其进行尺寸和重量测量.在此基础上,对其进行可鉴定标本数、最小个体数和骨骼发现率的统计,并依据统计结果进行自然环境的复原、人类行为和生业经济的初步分析.遗址出土动物包括软体动物(瓣鳃纲和腹足纲)和脊椎动物(鱼纲、爬行动物纲、鸟纲和哺乳动物纲),计27科19种(属).分析结果显示:自旧石器时代晚期到新石器时代晚期,遗址出土的主要动物,都包括有扁蜷螺科、方形环棱螺、斜口环棱螺、梨形环棱螺、高大环口螺、塔锥短沟蜷、佛耳丽蚌、刻纹丽蚌、三型矛蚌、圆顶珠蚌、河蚬、鲤鱼、青鱼、鳖科、龟科、钝吻鳄科、鸭科、雉科、猕猴、猪獾、野猪、牛亚科、羊亚科和不同体型的鹿科动物等,这表明自旧石器时代晚期到新石器时代晚期,遗址附近的自然条件没有发生大的改变,一直都存在有茂密的森林和相对广阔的水域,各种动植物资源都非常丰富;动物构成始终以哺乳动物纲中的鹿科和猪科数量最多,说明自旧石器时代晚期到新石器时代晚期,先民一直以狩猎鹿科和猪科为代表的野生哺乳动物来获取主要的肉食资源,同时也采集野生植物、捕捞水生的螺类、鱼类和爬行类作为食物资源的补充;从保存数量最多的鹿科和猪科骨骼发现率来看,存在有部分长骨骨骼缺失的现象,说明遗址并非先民宰杀肢解动物的主要场所,遗址中的动物多为先民宰杀肢解后带来的;鹿科动物掌/跖骨及与之相连的腕跗部骨骼发现率普遍较高,且要明显高于同时期的猪科动物,可能与先民有意识选择鹿科动物该部位的骨骼来制作骨器的行为有关;大量出土螺类存在壳顶缺失的现象,这应该与先民对螺肉的取食有关,与娅怀洞遗址的年代相当的柳州白莲洞遗址也存在类似的现象.从旧石器时代晚期到新石器时代晚期的纵向演变来看,先民对哺乳动物的利用程度是在逐渐增加的,对鱼的利用程度是大幅度减少的,对腹足动物的利用也有一定程度的减少,遗址动物群构成的这种变化体现了新石器时代晚期先民生活方式和生业经济选择(定居和农业)的变化. Guangxi is a critical region for the field of paleoanthropology,prehistoric archaeology,and zooarchaeology in Southern China and Southeast Asia.Yahuai Cave site(23°06'25"N,107°45'35"E)is located on an isolated hill at Bolang Village,Qiaojian Town,Longan County,Guangxi,Southern China.The surrounding area is generally flat and open,and the hill lies one-kilometer northwest of Youjiang River.The site consists of a rockshelter and an inner cave,covering an area of more than 100 nT.Over ten thousand cultural artifacts including stone artifacts and bones were uncovered from these layers.The site is estimated to be occupied 44000-4000 years ago.Based on the stratigraphy,the characteristics of the unearthed relics,and the existing dating results,the deposits can be roughly divided into four phases.The first three phases belong to the late Paleolithic period,and the fourth phase corresponds to the late Neolithic period.In this study,we analyzed animal remains excavated from Yahuaidong site,identified their species,body parts,age of death,and sex,recorded their preservation status and surface traces,and measured their size.We also calculated the number of identifiable specimens(NISP),the minimum number of individual(MNI),and the rate of bone discovery of each phases.With the statistical results,we restore the paleoenvironment,analyze human behavior and infer the subsistence strategy of ancient people at this site.Results suggest that the assemblage includes a high diversity of species.A total of 12504 pieces of animal remains dated to late Paleolithic period(44000-16000 a B.P.)were recovered,which include:Bradybaenidae,Hydrobiidae,Planorbidae,Bellamya quadrata,Bellamya mutica,Bellamya purificata,Semisucospira henriettae,Cyclophorus exaltatus,Lamprotula mansuyi,Lamprotula scripta,Lanceolaria triformis,Unio douglasiae,Corbicula fluminea,Cyprinus carpio,Mylopha-ryngodon piceus,Trionychidae,Emydidae,Alligatoridae,Anatidae,Phasianidae,Sciuridae,Lepor-idae,Felidae,Macaca mulatta,Rattus norvegicus,Canidae,Arctonyx collaris,Meles meles,Sus scrofa,Bovinae,Caprinae,Cervidae,Hydropotes.7518 pieces of animal remains dated to the late Neolithic Period(4000 years ago)were found,which include:Bradybaenidae,Planorbidae,Bellamya quadrata,Cyclophorus exaltatus,Lamprotula mansuyi,Lanceolaria triformis,Unio douglasiae,Corbicula fluminea,Cyprinus carpio,Mylopharyngodon piceus,Trionychidae,Emydidae,Alligatoridae,Phasianidae,Serpentes,Macaca mulatta,Chiroptera,Hystricidae,Muridae,Canidae,Arctonyx collaris,Rhinocerotidae,Sus scrofa,Bovinae,Caprinae,Cervidae.The major animal species persisted from the late Paleolithic period to the late Neolithic period,indicating that the natural environment near the site did not changed much.There have always been dense forests and vast waters,with various animal and plant resources.The NISP construction shows that from the late Paleolithic Period to the late Neolithic Period,Mammalia always dominate the assemblage followed by Gastropoda and Osteichthyes,and the Cervidae and Suidae are most abundant among the Mammalia.Combining the results of archaeobotany and archaeozoology,we believe that the wild animals which are represented by deers and wild boars were always the ancestors,mainly meat resource from the Late Paleolithic Period to the Late Neolithic Period,and the ancestors also made good use of the surrounding natural environment to collect wild plants,to catch freshwater snails,fish and reptiles as supplementaries.Cervidae and Suidae have the largest number of preserved bones,however,there is an obviously lack of long bones,which indicates that the cave site is not the main locale for the ancestors to kill and dismember animals.The discovery rate of Cervidae^metacarpal/metatarsal and the joint bones(carpal and tarsal)is generally higher,and it is significantly higher than that of Suidae in the same phase,which may be related to the behavior of ancestors consciously choosing the Cervidae^metacarpal/metatarsal to make bone implements.There is a large number of snails with the shell top missing in this site,which should be related to the ancestors'eating of snails,and similar phenomena are found at the contemporary site,Bailiandong site in Liuzhou.Over all,the utilization of mammals by ancestors was gradually increasing(from 6&95%to 87.46%),the utilization of fishes has greatly reduced(from 11.82%to 2.41%),and the utilization of snails also reduced(from 15.83%to 7.77%)from the late Paleolithic to the late Neolithic.The ancient environment didn't changed much from the late Paleolithic Period to the late Neolithic Period,the change of animal composition of this site largely reflects the change of the ancestors,subsistence strategies,likely the results of sedentism and agriculture in the Neolithic Period.
作者 宋艳波 谢光茂 赵文丫 Song Yanbo;Xie Guangmao;Zhao Wenya(School of History and Culture,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,Shandong;College of History,Culture and Tourism,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 541001,Guangxi;Guangxi Institute of Cultural Relic Protection and Archaeology,Nanning 530022,Guangxi)
出处 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期343-353,共11页 Quaternary Sciences
基金 山东大学青年交叉科学创新群体专项项目(批准号:2020QNQT018)资助。
关键词 娅怀洞遗址 旧石器时代晚期 新石器时代晚期 动物考古 Yahuaidong site late Paleolithic Period late Neolithic Period zooarchaeology
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