
5G行业应用规划设计思路探讨 被引量:6

Discussion on the Thought of 5G Industry Application Planning and Design
摘要 由于5G网络的正式商用,基于5G网络的行业应用必将呈现爆发态势。不同于常规的网络设计,针对行业应用的规划设计将在立足网络能力的基础上,连接起行业需求方、服务及终端提供商、网络运营商,致力于提供端到端的行业解决方案。通过对基于5G网络的行业应用现状进行分析,探讨了规划设计在提供行业应用端到端解决方案的思路和方法,并对通信设计人员融合应用设计方面的技术需求提出了建议。 With the approaching officially commercial date of 5G network,the industry application based on 5G network will become an outbreak trend. Different from the conventional network design,the planning and design of industry applications will be based on network capabilities,connect industry demanders,service and terminal providers,network operators,and dedicate to providing end-to-end industry solutions.Based on the analysis of the current situation of 5G network-based industry applications,it discusses the ideas and methods of planning and design in providing end-to-end solutions for industry applications,and puts forward suggestions for communication designers to integrate the technical requirements of application design.
作者 李书德 徐德平 张良 Li Shude;Xu Deping;Zhang Liang(China Mobile Group Design Institute Co.,Ltd.Shanghai Branch,Shanghai 200060,China)
出处 《邮电设计技术》 2020年第4期85-88,共4页 Designing Techniques of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 行业应用 需求挖掘 端到端方案集成 云VR/AR Industry application Demand mining End to end scheme integration Cloud VR/AR
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