

Study Related Issues on Huang Chao Zhong Xing Ji Shi Ben Mo
摘要 部分学者认为《皇朝中兴纪事本末》作者并非熊克,据《大明一统志》、道光《重纂福建通志》所录熊克著述条目可知,《皇朝中兴纪事本末》确是熊克所著,原书为一百卷;从该书与《中兴小历》二者的篇幅、内容差异以及相关目录书的记载看,二者当属繁、简本关系,《皇朝中兴纪事本末》先于《中兴小历》成书;今国家图书馆、浙江图书馆、复旦大学图书馆藏抄本皆源自徐乾学传是楼宋刻本,该本今已佚;此书的整理,应以国家图书馆藏本为底本,将其余二抄本与之对校,并参及《中兴小历》《建炎以来系年要录》等书,综合考订。 Some scholars believed that Xiong Ke is not the author of Huang Chao Zhong Xing Ji Shi Ben Mo,but basis on recordation in Da Ming Yi Tong Zhi and Fujian Tong Zhi Rewrite in Daoguang Dynasty,I confirm that Xiong Ke is the autuor of Dynasty of Zhong Xing Ji Shi Ben Mo,and the original book has 100 volumes. According to Dynasty of Zhong Xing Ji Shi Ben Mo and Zhong Xing Xiao Li’s length,differences of content and records in related catalog books,we could get a conclusion that the two books are different editions,One contains more historical materials,and the other is simple,and Huang Chao Zhong Xing Ji Shi Ben Mo is the first accomplished,Zhong Xing Xiao Li is after. The handwritten copy of this book which collected in National Library of China,Zhejiang Library and Fudan University Library,all derive from the edition of Song Dynasty,which collected by Xu Qianxue’s Chuan Shi Lou,and the edition has lost now. Huang Chao Zhong Xing Ji Shi Ben Mo collation should make a comprehensive textual research,take the National Library of China’s handwritten copy for master copy,compare with the other handwritten copies,and refer to the books like Zhong Xing Xiao Li,Jian Yan Yi Lai Xi Nian Yao Lu and so on.
作者 黄露 HUANG Lu(College of Social History,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China;Fujian Provincial Library,Fuzhou 350003,China)
出处 《集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第2期22-26,共5页 Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目(17FTQ005)。
关键词 《皇朝中兴纪事本末》 《中兴小历》 熊克 Huang Chao Zhong Xing Ji Shi Ben Mo Xiong Ke Zhong Xing Xiao Li
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