
氨基酸液体肥料替代氮肥对辣椒生长、产量及品质的影响 被引量:6

Effects of Applying Amino Acid Liquid Fertilizer by Reducing Chemical FertilizerAmount on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
摘要 【目的】氮肥减施条件下,筛选出适合辣椒生长的氨基酸液体肥料比例,提高辣椒的产量及品质。【方法】以辉腾8号为材料,共设6个处理,以常规施肥为对照,减施氮肥10%、20%、30%、40%、50%,配施氨基酸液体肥料,测定辣椒的生长指标、产量及品质指标,分析氨基酸液体肥料替代化肥对辣椒生长、产量及品质的影响。【结果】各处理对辣椒的生长、产量及品质都有影响。T4处理可以提高辣椒的产量,其中,单果重、单株果实数、单株产量、小区产量分别比CK提高0.17%、28.98%、10.11%、24.64%。同时,T4处理可以改善辣椒的品质,果形指数、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、VC比CK提高12.62%、10.92%、3.63%、30.44%,硝酸盐含量比CK降低22.61%。【结论】氨基酸液体肥料可以替代部分氮肥且T4处理(减施氮肥40%,配施28 kg/667m^2的氨基酸液体肥料)进行基施和追施,可使辣椒的产量和品质达到最好。 【Objective】 Under the condition of reducing fertilizer application, the proportion of amino acid liquid fertilizer suitable for pepper growth was screened in the hope of increasing the yield and quality of pepper. 【Methods】In this experiment, Huiteng No.8 was used as the testing material and 6 treatments were set with conventional fertilization as a control, nitrogen fertilizer reduced by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. The effects of the substitution of the amino acid liquid fertilizer on the growth, yield and fruit quality of the pepper were studied by measuring the growth index, yield and quality index of the pepper. 【Results】The results showed that each treatment had an effect on the growth, yield and fruit quality of pepper. Treatment 4 increased the yield of spicy pepper. Among them, the weight of single fruit, the number of fruits per plant, the yield per plant, and the yield of the plot increased by 0.17%, 28.98%, 10.11% and 24.64%, respectively. At the same time, treatment 4 increased the quality of pepper, fruit shape index, soluble protein, soluble sugar, vitamin C by 12.62%, 10.92%, 3.63% and 30.44%, while nitrate content was 22.61% lower than that of CK. 【Conclusion】In summary, amino acid liquid fertilizer can partially replace fertilizer and treatment 4(40% reduction of nitrogen fertilizer by supplementing 28 kg/667 m^2 amino acid liquid fertilizer) can be used for base application and topdressing so as to improve pepper yield and quality, and this method can be popularized and applied in production.
作者 张妮 阿迪力·阿卜来提 贾凯 阿拉帕提·塔依尔江 刘玉 高杰 ZHANG Ni;Adili Abulaiti;JIA Kai;Alapati Tayierjiang;LIU Yu;GAO Jie(Laboratory of Germplasm Resources and High-efficient Production of Characteristic Horticultural Crops in Xinjiang,College of Forestry and Horticulture,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,China;Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Midong District in Urumqi,Urumqi 831400,China)
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期918-924,共7页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划“绿洲农业生态区露地蔬菜化肥农药减施技术模式建立与示范”(2018YFD0201205-3) 新疆维吾尔自治区园艺学重点学科基金(2016-10758-3)。
关键词 辣椒 生长 产量 品质 pepper growth yield quality
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