
张杰治疗脱发经验特色及验案举隅 被引量:5

ZHANG Jie’s Experience Characteristics and Proved Cases in Alopecia
摘要 脱发,以头发脱落为主要特征,常伴有头皮油腻,瘙痒难耐或头发焦枯发蓬,缺乏光泽等症状。脱发归属于中医“油风”“蛀发癣”等范畴,包括现代医学斑秃、脂溢性脱发等病。张杰认为脱发初期主要为情志失调,饮食不节,过食肥甘厚腻引起机体气血津液运行不畅,瘀血、痰饮阻滞,中期肝脾失和,中焦精血化生不足,水湿泛滥,发失所养,病久损及肾中真阴,阴虚血热,瘀热互结,阻滞头部脉络,发不得生。治疗上主张肝脾同治,健运中焦,恢复中焦气血化生之能,后期以滋肾填精为主,凉血养营,佐以活血化痰,辨治过程中以人为本,调情摄生,经方时方同用,疗效卓著。 Alopecia,characterized by loss of hair,often is accompanied by symptoms of greasy scalp,itching or dry hair and lacking of luster.Alopecia belongs to the category of"Alopecia areata"and"ringworm by moth"in tradinational Chinese medicine,including modern medicine alopecia areata,seborrheic alopecia and other diseases.ZHANG Jie thinks alopecia is caused by emotional disorder,improper diet,too much fat and thick greasy caused by the poor movement of the qi,blood and fluid in body,blood stasis and phlegm blocking in initial stage.Hepatic and splenic dysplasia,hypoplasia of the blood,flooding with water and displacement appear in middle stage.Disease and long-term damage in the kidney true Yin,Yin deficiency blood heat,heat stasis mutual knot,block head veins lead to hair being not grown.In treatment,liver and spleen should be treated at the same time to restore the energy of qi and blood production in the medium coke,later to nourish kidney and fill essential,cool blood and nourish ying,accompanied with activating blood to dissolve phlegm.In the process of syndrome differentiation and treatment,people-oriented,flirting and regent are used together with the classical and non-classical prescriptions,and the curative effect is outstanding.
作者 席俊羽 季阳 洪靖 贾浩茹 张杰 XI Jun-yu;JI Yang;HONG Jing;JIA Hao-ru;ZHANG Jie(Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230031,China)
机构地区 安徽中医药大学
出处 《江西中医药大学学报》 2020年第4期26-29,共4页 Journal of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药管理局全国名老中医药专家张杰传承工作室建设项目(国中医药人教发[2012]149号)。
关键词 张杰教授 脱发 名医经验 ZHANG Jie Alopecia Experience of Famous Doctor
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