
中国沿海地区镰刀菌属口岸截获时空分布格局分析 被引量:3

Spatio-temporal distribution patterns of Fusarium interception in coastalareas of China
摘要 生物入侵形势愈加严峻,口岸检疫作为维护生物安全的第一线,分析口岸截获时空格局对于物种入侵防控具有重要意义。从口岸点和市域单元两个尺度结合时空局部异常值分析和空间自相关分析方法,揭示2009—2018年我国沿海地区镰刀菌属入侵截获时空分布格局,并引入地理探测器模型探寻影响其分布格局的因素。结果表明:(1)镰刀菌属截获口岸数与截获频次在时间和空间上大致呈现先增后减趋势,在时空异常值分析中以长三角、珠三角一带口岸的强时空聚类与多模式状态为主。(2)镰刀菌属市域入侵截获具有显著的空间自相关性(P<0.05),空间集聚特征先增强后减弱,局部空间关联结构中空间分异性逐渐减小,高-高值区域的集聚规律明显,且逐渐集中在江苏省境内。(3)镰刀菌属市域入侵截获空间格局的最主要影响因素是进口商品总额,其次是市域内口岸数、入境人数和邮政业务总量,且双因子间的交互作用对其分布格局均具有显著的增强效果。综上,我国沿海地区镰刀菌属入侵截获受进口贸易影响具有明显的时空分异格局特征。 The situation of biological invasion is becoming more and more serious.Port quarantine,as the first line of maintaining biological security,is of great significance to the prevention and control of species invasion by analyzing the temporal and spatial pattern of port interception.The temporal and spatial distribution pattern of Fusarium invasion and interception in China coastal areas in 2009-2018 was revealed from the two scales of port point and city area unit combined with the analysis of local spatiotemporal outliers and spatial autocorrelation,and the geographic detector model was introduced to explore the influencing factors of the pattern.The results showed that:(1)The number and frequency of Fusarium interceptions increased first and then decreased in time and space.In the analysis of temporal and spatial outliers,the strong temporal and spatial clustering and multi-mode state of ports in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta were the main ones.(2)There was a significant spatial autocorrelation in the invasion and interception of Fusarium(P<0.05).The spatial clustering characteristics first increased and then weakened. The spatial differentiation in the local spatial correlation structure gradually decreased, theclustering rule of high-high value areas was obvious, and gradually concentrated in Jiangsu Province. (3)The main influencingfactors of the spatial pattern of Fusarium invasion interception were the total imported commodities, followed by the number ofports, the number of inbound persons and the total postal business, and the interaction between the two factors had significantenhancement effect on its distribution pattern. In a word, the invasion of Fusarium in the coastal areas of China is affected bythe import trade with obvious spatial-temporal differentiation pattern.
作者 吴晓春 肖桂荣 WU Xiaochun;XIAO Guirong(Key Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining and Information Sharing of Ministry of Education,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China;National&Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Satellite Geospatial Information Technology,Fuzhou 350108,China;The Academy of Digital China(Fujian),Fuzhou 350108,China)
出处 《生态科学》 CSCD 2020年第4期175-183,共9页 Ecological Science
基金 福建省科技重大专项专题(2017NZ0003-1-5) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项课题(XDA23100500)。
关键词 镰刀菌属 口岸截获 自相关分析 地理探测器 中国沿海地区 Fusarium port interception autocorrelation analysis geographical detector coastal areas of China
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