
安徽省HBsAg单试剂反应性献血者归队情况分析 被引量:5

Analysis on Reentry Situation of HBsAg Single Reagent Reactive Blood Donors in Anhui Province
摘要 目的:分析对安徽省HBsAg单试剂反应性献血者的归队情况,验证安徽省献血者归队策略的合理性与有效性。方法:HBsAg单试剂反应性献血者自屏蔽期满6个月后,可依据自愿原则向屏蔽单位提出归队申请,由屏蔽单位采样后进行初筛检测。初筛阴性者可送检标本至安徽省血液中心进行归队检测,经过伯乐、万泰、丽珠试剂HBsAg检测、丽珠试剂中和试验、万泰试剂HBcAb检测、诺华试剂核酸检测合格后,允许归队。结果:2013年9月至2016年12月,共收到HBsAg归队标本109人份,归队检测合格者60人份,不合格者8人份,不确定者41人份,归队率达55.05%。归队合格献血者中,合肥地区献血者为25人,其中20人再次献血,检测结果均合格。结论:安徽省献血者HBsAg屏蔽与归队策略合理有效,但在献血者追溯、信息传达方面仍存在不完善之处,需进一步改进。 Objective:To analyze the reentry situation of HBsAg single reagent reactive blood donors in Anhui province,and to verify the rationality and effectiveness of reentry strategy of blood donors in Anhui province.Methods:Shielded blood donors who were HBsAg single reagent reactive might voluntarily apply for returning to the team of blood donors after the shield of 6 months.Blood bankstaff that shielded those donors should draw blood and conduct screening tests.Samples from donors who were HBsAg negative should be delivered to Anhui Blood Center to conduct the reentry detections.Shielded blood donors were allowed to return to the team if the results of HBsAg test,neutralization test,HBcAb test and nucleic acid test were negative.Results:109 person-portions of samples for returning to team from September 2013 to December 2016 were delivered to Anhui Blood Center.After reentry tests,60 of them were negative,8 cases were positive,while 41 cases were undetermined,and the qualified rate was 55.05%.25 negative donors were from Hefei,20 of them donated blood again and were negative.Conclusion:The shielding and reentry strategy of blood donors with HBsAg single reagent reactive in Anhui province is rational and effective.However,there are still some deficiencies in trace of donors and information transmission,which needs to be further improved.
作者 蒋菲菲 吕蓉 赵阳 李素萍 王超 刘忠 刘淼 JIANG Fei-Fei;LYU Rong;ZHAO Yang;LI Su-Ping;WANG Chao;LIU Zhong;LIU Miao(Department of Microbiology and Parasitology,Basic Medicine College,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032,Anhui Province,China;Anhui Blood Center,Hefei 230031,Anhui Province,China;Institute of Blood Transfusion,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,Chengdu 610052,Sichuan Province,China)
出处 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期1391-1396,共6页 Journal of Experimental Hematology
基金 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程(2016-I2M-3-024)。
关键词 假反应性 乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原 献血者归队 false reactive HBsAg blood donor reentry
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