The transition to flowering is the most dra-matic phase change in flowering plants and is crucial for reproductive success. A complex regulatory network in plants has evolved to perceive and integrate the endog-enous and environmental signals. These signals perceived, including day length and temperature, converge to regu-late FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), which encodes a mobile stimulus required for floral induction in Arabidopsis. Despite the discovery of modulation of FT messenger RNA (mRNA) expression by ambient temperature, whether the trafficking of FT protein is controlled in response to changes in growth temperature is so far unknown. Here, we show that FT transport from companion cells to sieve elements is controlled in a temperature-dependent manner. This process is mediated by multiple C2 domain and transmembrane region proteins (MCTPs) and a soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor protein attach-ment protein receptor (SNARE). Our findings suggest that ambient temperatures regulate both FT mRNA expression and FT protein trafficking to prevent precocious flowering at low temperatures and ensure plant reproductive suc-cess under favorable environmental conditions.
the Singapore National Research Founda-tion Investigatorship Program(NRFNRFI2016-02)
the Agency for Science,Technology and Research(A*STAR)under its Industry Alignment Fund-Pre Positioning(IAF-PP)(A19D9a0096)
intramural research support from the National University of Singapore,Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.