
图像视域下的帝都书写——以北宋张择端(款)《金明池争标图》为中心 被引量:2

The Narration on the Capital City from the Perspective of Visualization:Centered on the Painting of the Boat Contest on the Jinming Pool by ZHANG Zeduan
摘要 宋代张择端(款)《金明池争标图》为目前所见最早的一幅写实性金明池图像,虽篇幅上不及《清明上河图》,却更充分地体现出"帝都"多角度、多层级的丰富内涵。对照相关文学创作,围绕图画所绘北宋上巳金明池的"争标"活动,可以从水面表演空间、皇家礼仪空间和士庶游赏空间切入,探讨北宋文人的帝都书写。这三重空间具有密切的互动关系,既有界限明确的区隔,又有观看/被观看的关联。这使《金明池争标图》比《清明上河图》更为典型地表现出帝都空间的丰富内涵和政治文化变迁:水面表演空间通过水战水嬉、上巳祓禊、祝祷祈雨等,正面呈现国策转向和国家仪典;皇家礼仪空间以主体形象的虚写,暗示习射宴饮、赏花钓鱼、赋诗唱和等或公开或隐秘的君臣关系和政治符码;士庶游赏空间以群像的描绘和衣着服饰的区分,写意地营造出金明池作为文人雅集和市民爱情的典型场景。多样的文学形式书写着这一切,从而印证并丰富了图画的视觉语言与呈现。 This paper is based on the Painting of the Boat Contest on the Jinming Pool by ZHANG Zeduan in the Song Dynasty,which is a realistic presentation of the Jinming Pool earliest among the existing paintings.Although not as large as the Painting of the Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival,it reflects more comprehensively the connotation of the capital city from a multi-angle and multi-level perspective.By comparing with the relevant literary works and the painting,“the contest for bid”activities on the Jinming Pool in the Shangsi Festival can be categorized into three different spaces,including the performance on the river,imperial ritual,and scholarly entertainment,to discuss the narration on the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty in literary composition.The three spaces are dynamically interrelated with clear boundaries as well as in tensions between the viewer and the viewed.It marks a better representation of the rich connotations as well as the political and cultural transformation within the space of the capital than the Painting of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival.Through the depiction of water warfare,water entertainment,washing ritual,and pray for rain in the Shangsi Festival,the space of performance on river directly exposes the turn of national policies and rituals.The fanciful illustration of the imperial ritual space indicates the monarch-subject relationship and political leverage,either publicly or secretively,such as practicing archery,attending banquets,enjoying flowers,fishing,and matching poems.The space of scholarly entertainment provides a grand mixture of distinctive figures,and it constructs typical scenes of elite gatherings and the love between city residents.The manifolds of literary discourse have accomplished the richness of visual language and representation.
作者 马东瑶 MA Dongyao(School of Chinese Language and Literature,BNU,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期46-58,共13页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国古代都城文化与古代文学及相关文献研究”(18ZDA237) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“文化空间视域下的北宋元祐诗坛研究”(19BZW072)。
关键词 《金明池争标图》 张择端 帝都书写 Painting of the Boat Contest on the Jinming Pool ZHANG Zeduan narration on the capital city
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