
1型糖尿病患儿健康教育游戏软件的开发及应用研究 被引量:17

Development and application of game software for health-care education in children with type 1 diabetes
摘要 目的结合儿童身心特点,开发并应用1型糖尿病患儿健康教育游戏软件,为该类患儿健康教育内容的制订及方式提供参考.方法以问答题通关的游戏形式开发1型糖尿病患儿健康教育软件.便利选取2017年11月—2019年4月重庆市某医院内分泌科收治的1型糖尿病患儿为研究对象,按入院时间分为试验组和对照组,每组各16例.试验组采用游戏软件进行健康教育;对照组采用传统形式进行健康教育,干预前后对两组健康教育知识的掌握情况,患儿、家长及护士对该软件的满意度进行比较.结果试验组对健康教育知识的掌握度明显高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001);87.5%的患儿及家长认为游戏软件形式新颖、易被患儿接受、能够激发患儿主动学习的意愿,有助于患儿学习疾病知识;护士对软件各维度满意度高,总体满意度达94.67%.结论1型糖尿病患儿健康教育软件具有便捷、专业、实用、趣味性强、易被患儿接受5大特点.通过应用该软件,改善了患儿健康教育模式,提高了患儿学习参与度,达到了提高患儿理论知识水平的目的. Objective Combined with physical and mental characteristics of children,we developed health education game software for children with type 1 diabetes,so as to provide references for health education of children with chronic diseases.Methods The health education software for children with type 1 diabetes was developed in the form of games with questions and answers.It is convenient to select children with type 1 diabetes admitted to Department of Endocrinology in our hospital from November 2017 to April 2019 as research subjects.According to the time of admission,they are allocated into an experimental group and a control group,with 16 cases in each group.In the experimental group,game software was used for health education;the control group received traditional health education.Before and after the implementation,the knowledge of disease theory of children,satisfaction of children and parents and satisfaction of nurses were compared.Results The theoretical test score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).87.5%of the children and their parents thought that the game software was novel and easily acceptable for children,and it could stimulate their willingness to learn actively,which was helpful for children to learn disease knowledge.Satisfaction of nurses with all dimensions of software was high,and the overall satisfaction was 94.67%.Conclusion The software is convenient,professional,practical,interesting and easily acceptable for children.Through the application of game software,we can improve health education mode for children by improving their learning participation and theoretical knowledge level.
作者 王力 吴利平 王平 林琴 胡雯馨 杨伟 马勤香 李宏 桂风娇 WANG Li;WU Liping;WANG Ping;LIN Qin;HU Wenxin;YANG Wei;MA Qinxiang;LI Hong;GUI Fengjiao
出处 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期1659-1664,共6页 Chinese Journal of Nursing
基金 重庆市教委护理学十三五重点学科资助项目(2019hlxk09)。
关键词 糖尿病 1型 信息化平台 健康教育 儿科护理学 Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Informatization Platform Health Education Pediatric Nursing
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