

The Trend on the Other Side:Changes of Chinese Classic Study in the Late Qing Dynasty and Zhang Taiyan's Criticism of the Sinology in Meiji Era
摘要 20世纪初,海外特别是明治汉学的波澜与中国国学界的跃动,事件层层叠叠,表现出互相倚依、内外牵扯的二重奏样态。1911年《学林》所载章太炎《与农科大学教习罗振玉书》,猛烈抨击明治汉学,乃近代中日文化交流史上的关键文本。往往被忽视的另一侧,即中国国学界内部之演变,助推了章太炎的明治汉学批判。无论是抨击褒奖日本汉学的风气,还是质疑以新出土文物为重心的学术潮流,章太炎的相关言论,可溯自《国粹学报》。俞樾与岛田翰,才是他批判文章中未录其名,但内心实则紧张的人物。“依自不依他”,作为章太炎的伦理和学术立场,也反映了古物流失过程中,中国知识人通过坚信内心的实在圆满来应对外在事物变迁流转的共同心态。“故闻”与“古物”之学的纷争,蕴含了章太炎论衡“国故”与罗振玉“古器物之学”各自的关切。两人均视对方为争夺“国学”话语权的对手。《学林》与《国学丛刊》的创刊和隔空论争,意味着他们分别另起炉灶。从《国粹学报》到《与罗振玉书》的相关事件和言论,有助于我们理解在西力东侵、东学寝盛的背景下,中国国学界所经历的这段心态调整、人事变迁,学术竞争与转轨的动态历史。 Both academic changes and specific events about Chinese classic study inside and outside China were intertwined in the early 20th century during the late Qing Dynasty.In 1911,Zhang Taiyan(章太炎)fiercely criticized the sinology in Meiji era(明治汉学)in an article entitled A Letter to Luo Zhenyu(罗振玉),an Instructor from the Agricultural University(《与农科大学教习罗振玉书》)published in The Journal of Xuelin(《学林》),which was a crucial text in the modern history of Sino-Japan cultural exchanges.The changes inside the academia of Chinese classic study in China,which had often been ignored,actually propelled Zhang's criticism of the sinology in Meiji era.Zhang's statements related to either the practice of attacking those who praised the sinology in Meiji era,or to the academic trend of focusing on questioning newly-unearthed relics,could be traced back to The Journal of Chinese Quintessence(《国粹学报》).Yu Yue(俞樾)and Shimada Kan(岛田翰)were actually the two unnamed people with inner tension,who were criticized by Zhang Taiyan in his articles.The idea of“depending on myself rather than others”(依自不依他)as Zhang's ethical stance and academic stance,reflected the common state of mind of the Chinese intellectuals in the course of the quick loss of Chinese precious antiques,who resisted the violent changes caused by outward things through their firm belief in their own inner honesty and perfection.The debate between“the knowledge of Chinese classics”(故闻)and“the ancient relics”(古物)respectively implied what Zhang Taiyan was concerned about in his Discussions on Chinese Classics(《国故论衡》)and what Luo Zhenyu was concerned about in his“study of ancient artifacts”(古器物学).They considered each other as the main competitor for discourse right.The publication of The Journal of Xunlin by Zhang Taiyan and the publication of The Periodical of Chinese Classics(《国学丛刊》)by Luo Zhenyu,as well as their debates,showed their differences in academic thought.All these events and debates can help us to understand the dynamic history about the readjustment of the state of mind,the personnel change,the academic competition,and the academic transformation which China's academia of Chinese classic study experienced when Western powers were invading China and the influence of Japan's academic studies were rising in China.
作者 彭春凌 Peng Chunling(Institute of Modern History,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期88-97,共10页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 章太炎 罗振玉 《国粹学报》 明治汉学 Zhang Taiyan(章太炎) Luo Zhenyu(罗振玉) Journal of Chinese Quintessence(《国粹学报》) sinology in Meiji era(明治汉学)
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