After the outbreak of the Anti⁃Japanese War in full scale,the Japanese carried out barbarous bomb⁃ings in Guangdong and sent warships to invade the coastal counties at the same time.In order to strength⁃en the construction of national defense,the Guangdong Provincial Government decided to issue 15 mil⁃lion yuan of national defense bonds from March 1,1938,with extremely difficult financial conditions.Theauthorities adopted various forms of propaganda and solicitation to tell to the general public that the con⁃nection between the purchase of national defense bonds and the Anti⁃Japanese War,which could arousethe public patriotism.The persuasion of national defense bonds received the support and response of busi⁃nessmen,students,overseas Chinese and other groups and individuals,reflecting the determination and strength of all sectors of society to resist Japanese aggression.Affected by the current situation,it was in⁃deed commendable that the total of national defense bonds was more than 11 million yuan.The Guang⁃dong people’s purchase of national defense bonds was not just for repayment,but more to do their best tocontribute to the Anti⁃Japanese War.
Social Sciences in Guangdong