The quality of girth weld is one of the important factors affecting the safety of high grade long-distance gas pipelines.The International Welding Technology Center(IWTC),which is a joint initiative of the Chinese National Petroleum Company(CNPC)and its R&D Center,Tubular Goods Research Institute(TGRI),together with CITIC Metals and CBMM,whose vision is to advance welding expertise in China when the demands for more environmentally friendly energy needs are growing at unprecedented rates,has conducted advanced research on high quality X80 steels with different alloy designs,including testing of microstructure and performance of pipes and their seam welds,analysis and optimization of the welding procedure specification and the procedure parameters,and recommendation of the relevant control measurement to improve the quality of girth welds.In addition,the weldability of two steels with different Nb contents has been studied and compared by using thermal simulation.The results testify that the properties of pipe bodies and weldability of studied X80 line pipes are good enough to meet engineering requirements.To guarantee the performance of girth weld,proper welding procedures and quality control measures should be adopted.It also demonstrated that X80 line pipe with higher Nb has better weldability.Certainly,it is all subject to comprehensive weld procedure specifications which must be controlled during construction processes.
David Han
José B.Bacalhau
Marcos A.Stuart Nogueira
Frank J.Barbaro
David HAN;QI Lihua;HUO Chunyong;JoséBBACALHAU;Marcos ASTUART NOGUEIRA;Frank JBARBARO;ZHANG Yongqing(International Welding Technology Center,Xi′an,Shaanxi 710077,China;CNPC Tubular Goods Research Institute,Xi′an,Shaanxi 710077,China;Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Minera o Senpaolo,Sao Paulo 04538-133,Brazil;University of Wollongong,Wollongong,NSW 2522,Australia;CITIC Metals,Beijing 100004,China)
Petroleum Tubular Goods & Instruments