
基于SPOC的翻转课堂教学模式在临床血液学检验课程教学中的应用 被引量:34

Application of the flipped classroom teaching mode based on small private online course on laboratory test of clinical hematology
摘要 基于小规模限制性在线课程(small private online course,SPOC)的翻转课堂教学模式结合了在线教学和线下教学的优势,已经广泛应用于医学教育领域。本研究以广州医科大学四年制医学检验技术专业学生的临床血液学检验课程为例,阐述了基于SPOC的翻转课堂教学模式在临床血液学检验课程教学中的设计与实施步骤。通过考试成绩、问卷调查和师生访谈等进行教学效果评价。结果显示,学生考试成绩优秀率(≥90分)为15.4%(17/113),及格率(≥60分)为92.9%(105/113),其中,79.6%(90/113)的学生实验考核成绩超过18分(满分20分)。72.1%(70/97)的学生认为基于SPOC的翻转课堂教学模式有助于提高学生的自主学习能力。90.7%(88/97)的学生认为实验课程采用以疾病为导向的模块整合教学的效果较好。师生访谈中,有32名学生(共40名)和10名教师(共12名)认为基于SPOC的翻转课堂教学模式优于传统教学模式,有8名教师认为该教学模式对教师合理安排教学内容的能力和课堂组织能力提出了较大的挑战。基于SPOC的翻转课堂教学模式应用效果良好,有助于提高学生的自主学习能力,有助于培养学生解决临床问题的能力,但对教师的教学能力提出了更高的要求。 The flipped classroom teaching mode based on small private online course(SPOC)combines the advantages of online and offline learning,and is widely used in medical education.This research took the course of clinical hematology for undergraduates in four-year program of clinical laboratory technology from Guangzhou Medical University as an example to use a SPOC based flipped classroom teaching mode.The teaching effect was evaluated by examination test,questionnaire survey and interviews by teachers and students.The examination results showed that 15.4%(17/113)of the students gained excellent scores(≥90 points)and 92.9%(105/113)of the students passed the examination(≥60 points).There are 79.6%(90/113)gained experimental scores over 18 points(out of 20 points).Totally 72.1%(70/97)of the students believed that this teaching mode enhanced their capacity of self-regulated learning and 90.7%(88/97)of the students were satisfied with the case-oriented module with integrated teaching mode in the experimental course.In addition,32 students(40 in total)and 10 teachers(12 in total)believed that the teaching effectiveness of flipped classroom teaching mode based on SPOC was better than that of the traditional learning.Eight teachers believed that this teaching mode was a great challenge to their arrangement and organization abilities in class.The flipped classroom teaching mode based on SPOC demonstrates a good effectiveness,which improves students'capacity of self-regulated learning and of resolving clinical problems.However,this teaching pathway needs strong capacity of teachers with both knowledge and skills to run in clinical training of undergraduates.
作者 邓聪 邓小燕 林梅双 周强 DengCong;Deng Xiaoyan;Lin Meishuang;Zhou Qiang(Department of Clinical Laboratory,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 510260,China;KingMed School of Laboratory Medicine,Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 510180,China)
出处 《中华医学教育杂志》 2021年第5期407-411,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education
基金 广州医科大学教育科学规划校长重大课题(广医大发[2020]72号) 广东省临床教学基地教学改革研究项目(2019JD069)。
关键词 小规模限制性在线课程 翻转课堂 医学检验技术专业 临床血液学检验 Small private online course Flipped classroom Clinical laboratory major Clinical hematology test
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