
城市规划与城市热环境研究的结合途径探讨 被引量:7

Discussion on the Way of Combining between Urban Planning and Thermal Environment
摘要 面对城市化和气候变暖的双重压力,城市热环境已逐渐成为研究热点。相关研究成果颇为丰富,然而较为抽象的研究结论难以应用于城市规划实践。目前,从方法层面和技术层面业已证明城市规划是热环境形成的内在驱动,但规划体系与热环境参数之间的关联性尚未厘清,结合途径也有待探讨。通过界定城市空间形态、生态冷源、自然通风以及人为热等关键问题,全面深入地解析城市规划要素对热环境参数的影响,得出简化模型公式作为高效的参数化分析工具,进而提出城市规划编制的热环境设计流程链。城市规划编制过程中,前期准备阶段应确定对应的热环境研究尺度,选择适用的技术手段,收集相关的基础资料;方案设计阶段依据概念方案调用简化模型公式进行参数化热环境寻优,生成设计指标的最优集;规划编制阶段结合技术经济指标和环境容量指标等全面评价规划方案,形成最终的规划成果。设计流程链将热环境设计指标定量地融入城市规划编制,实现了各阶段、各专业的协同设计,可从本源上解决城市过热问题,提高城市人居环境质量。 Under the dual background of urbanization and climate warming,the investigation of urban thermal environments has gradually become popular and gained abundant research results,involving the temporal and spatial distribution of urban heat islands,thermal environment and thermal comfort within the city,effects of the anthropogenic heat,and the energy conversion between surfaces at the micro level.However,two main problems remain exist at present.Firstly,there is a lack of the systematic correlation and the clear merging design method between urban thermal environment and urban planning due to the characteristics of thermal environment at different scales,which are closely related to the design elements of urban planning.Obviously,urban overheating can be solved completely only if the thermal environment research is reasonably involved in the urban planning process,and the thermal environment parameters(solar radiation,air temperature,wind speed,relative humidity,etc.)and related indicators(urban heat island intensity,thermal comfort index,etc.)are quantitatively combined with the urban planning index system.Secondly,how to form a thermal environment design process chain that is suitable for urban planning,is another major problem.All this time,it is difficult to synchronize the progress between designer’s plan adjustment and engineer’s technical analysis.In other words,with the existing technical means,the large time cost of urban thermal environment research and relative analysis is the prominent barrier,which has been obstructing the combination of urban planning and thermal environment.It needs a more efficient thermal environment design process to response to rapid urbanization.Therefore,this paper firstly summarizes the applied researches on thermal environments in the field of urban planning in terms of methods and technologies,as well as concludes effective urban cooling measures that have been widely used in the urban planning practice to meet climate change.In specific,these four aspects are included:control of urban spatial form,utilization of urban ecological cooling source,construction of urban natural ventilation,and estimation of urban anthropogenic heat.Secondly,the combination of urban planning and thermal environments is further discussed from three aspects(city comprehensive planning,detailed regulatory planning and detailed construction planning),and two dimensions(relevance analysis and applicability combination).The city’s comprehensive planning should mainly focus on the factors that affect the overall urban thermal environment,including various urban planning indexes,the scale of green and blue space,the layout of ventilation corridor,and the difference of various anthropogenic heat.It also provides scientific guidance for the following detailed urban planning.The thermal environment design of detailed regulatory planning should be based on the local-scale climate background,and the key issues,such as control indicators,spatial forms,ecological sources,local wind,etc.,which should be studied in multiple climatic conditions correspondingly.And the control indicators of urban planning or urban design guidelines are formed through the comprehensive evaluation of the planning scheme.Because of its concrete urban spatial form,the thermal environment design of detailed construction planning mainly focuses on the mutual energy conversion between surfaces and the air,and even involves the green performance of the building.Based on the above analytical results,the effective combination of thermal environment and urban planning can be realized,i.e.,the thermal environment design process chain of urban planning.At the early stage of urban planning,the research scale of thermal environments should be determined,and the appropriate technical means as well as the relevant basic data should also be conducted later.Into the next stage,during the process of scheme design,parametric modeling is carried out according to the concept of urban planning.In addition,the simplified model or index calculation formula is invoked for thermal environment analysis,and the optimal set of design indexes is generated based on thermal environment evaluation indexes.If the optimal set cannot meet the design requirements of the planner,the concept will be adjusted.On the contrary,other optimization objectives,such as technical and economical indexes,environmental capacity indicators,which should then be added in the planning stage to form comprehensively scientific and reasonable planning results.Finally,this paper suggests that the following aspects that need to be paid attention to in future studies:the interaction of thermal environment between land uses,the ecological benefits of green open space,the improvement of precise details of urban thermal environment,and the efficient optimization design platform.To sum up,clarifying the way of combining urban planning and thermal environment could not only provide basic conditions to research their mutual influence deeply,but also help improve the reasonable and scientific features of the urban planning in the thermal environment and explore their coupling evolution mechanism.Once that happens it could provide the construction of the operational optimization approach of improving the urban climate resilience and creating suitable human settlements.
作者 祁乾龙 孟庆林 董莉莉 任鹏 QI Qianlong;MENG Qinglin;DONG Lili;REN Peng
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 CSCD 2021年第3期46-56,共11页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51778236) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2021A1515011059) 广东省科技计划项目国际科技合作领域(2018A050501007) 中央高校基金重点项目(2020ZYGXZR090)。
关键词 城市规划 城市热环境 设计流程链 关联性解析 适用性结合 Urban Planning Thermal Environment the Chain of Design Process Analysis of Relevance Combination of Applicability
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