
独立罐型LNG船温度场分析及应用 被引量:2

Temperature Field Analysis and Application of Independent Tank LNG Carrier
摘要 以某安装B型独立罐的液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas,LNG)船为例,按照《国际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则》(简称《IGC规则》)、美国海岸警卫队(USCG)规则(简称USCG规则)和船级社规范的相关要求,研究该船的温度场计算方法和流程、材料导热系数和对流系数的取值及纵向构件、横向强框和横舱壁的温度场分布。分析该船在《IGC规则》和USCG规则环境工况下的温度场分布和钢等级选取,研究该船LNG日蒸发率的计算,得出对独立罐型LNG船的温度场分析和应用有意义的结果。 Taken a B-type independent tank Liquefied Natural Gas(LNG)carrier for example,in accordance with the related requirements of International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk(IGC Code),USCG Code,and classification society rules,the calculation method and flow of temperature field,value of thermal conductivity and convection coefficient of material,and temperature field distribution of longitudinal member,transverse stiffening frame,and transverse bulkhead of the carrier are studied.The temperature field distribution and steel grade selection under environmental condition of IGC Code and USCG Code of the carrier are analyzed,and the LNG daily evaporation rate calculation of the carrier is studied,which can obtain the meaningful results for the temperature field analysis and application of independent tank LNG carrier.
作者 雒高龙 LUO Gaolong(Shanghai Foreign Service(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200001,China)
出处 《造船技术》 2021年第4期17-22,共6页
关键词 LNG船 独立罐 温度场 钢等级 日蒸发率 LNG carrier independent tank temperature field steel grade daily evaporation rate
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