
王平治疗膝关节骨性关节炎用药规律 被引量:2

Wang Ping′s Medication Laws of Treating Knee Osteoarthritis
摘要 目的:基于中医传承辅助平台总结王平治疗膝关节骨性关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA)的用药规律。方法:收集2014年10月至2019年10月王平门诊治疗KOA的有效病例,采用中医传承辅助平台V2.5建立数据库,对收集到的数据使用关联规则分析、聚类分析、复杂系统熵聚类分析等方法,从药物四气、五味、归经分布以及用药频次、组方规律等方面进行统计,分析王平治疗KOA的用药规律。结果:共筛选106张处方,包含中药75味,用药频次共计1085次,其中用药频次≥15次的药物有甘草、牛膝、栀子、白芍等17味;四气以寒性药和温性药为主;五味以苦味药和甘味药为主;归经中肝经占比22%,脾经占比17%,胃经占比15%。频次≥50次的高频药物组合有30组,置信度≥0.98的常用药对共有10对。结论:王平治疗KOA,辨证以瘀、热、肿三实为标,肝、脾、肾三虚为本,治以化瘀泻热、寒热并用、燥湿健脾、养血柔肝、滋阴补肾。 Objective: To analyze the medication laws of Professor Wang Ping in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis(KOA) based on TCM inheritance auxiliary platform.Methods: The effective cases of KOA treated by Professor Wang in the outpatient department from October 2014 to October 2019 were collected, and the database was established by using TCM inheritance auxiliary platform V2.5.The collected data were analyzed by association rule analysis, cluster analysis, complex system entropy cluster analysis and other analysis methods from the aspects of drug four natures, five flavors, meridian tropism distribution, medication frequency and formula-formulating rule, so as to analyze the medication laws of Professor Wang in the treatment of KOA.Results: A total of 106 formulas were screened, including 75 kinds of Chinese medicines, with a total frequency of 1085 times.Among them, 17 ones had a frequency which was or over15 times, such as Gancao(Radix Glycyrrhizae),Niuxi(Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae),Zhizi(Fructus Gardeniae),Baishao(Radix Paeoniae Alba),etc.According to the four natures, cold medicinals and warm medicinals were the main options.According to the five flavors, bitter medicinals and sweet medicinals were the main options.According to meridian tropism, the liver meridian accounted for 22%,the spleen meridian for 17% and stomach meridian for 15%.There were 31 high-frequency drug combinations with frequency equal or more than 50 times, and 24 common drug pairs with confidence equal or more than 0.98.Conclusion: Professor Wang Ping′s treatment of KOA is based on the syndrome differentiation of blood stasis, heat and swelling as manifestations, and the deficiency of liver, spleen and kidney as root causes.The treatment focuses on removing blood stasis and purging heat, combined use of drugs with cold and heat natures, drying dampness and invigorating the spleen, nourishing blood and softening the liver, nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney.
作者 杨圆坚 杨志华 赵海飞 张超 李远栋 王平 YANG Yuan-jian;YANG Zhi-hua;ZHAO Hai-fei;ZHANG Chao;LI Yuan-dong;WANG Ping(First Teaching Hospital ofTianjin University ofTraditional Chinese Medicine,National Clinical Research Center forChinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Tianjin Famous and Old Traditional Chinese MedicineInheritance Studio,Tianjin,China,300381)
出处 《河南中医》 2021年第10期1526-1530,共5页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 天津市卫生健康委员会资助项目——天津市名老中医传承工作室项目[津卫中(2017)193号] 天津市教育委员会资助项目——王平劳模创新工作室项目[津教工(2016)3号] 天津市卫生健康委员会中医、中西医结合科研专项课题项目(2019066) 天津市教育委员会科研计划项目(2019KJ064) 天津中医药大学第一附属医院“拓新工程”科研基金项目(201908)。
关键词 膝关节骨性关节炎 中医传承辅助平台 用药经验 王平 knee osteoarthritis TCM inheritance auxiliary platform medication experience Wang Ping
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