
10B28含硼冷镦钢结疤形成分析及控制实践 被引量:1

Cause Analysis on Boron Bearing Cold Heading Steel 10B28 Scab and Control Practice
摘要 分析得出10B28钢结疤的主要原因是钢水N含量偏高,钢水中的Ti不足以完全固N,致使大量的细小的BN在晶界析出,铸坯在矫直过程形成裂纹,进而在轧制过程形成线材表面结疤。取样分析证实,精炼过程使用高N含量(4.6%)缓释脱氧剂造渣是钢水含N高的主要原因;使用铝粒替代缓释脱氧剂脱氧造渣,精炼过程增N量可由43.4×10^(-6)降至11.4×10^(-6)。通过将转炉出钢C由0.06%提高至≥0.08%、降低精炼前期加热功率、铝粒替代缓释脱氧剂造渣等措施,10B28钢N含量稳定控制在70×10^(-6)以下,线材合格率由不足50%提升至≥98%。 Through the analysis it is obtained that main reason for steel 10 B28 scab is that nitrogen content in the molten steel is too high,and titanium in molten steel is not enough to completely fix nitrogen,resulting in a large number of fine BN precipitates at grain boundary,and the slab cracks are formed in the straightening process to form the wire surface scab in rolling process.Through sampling analysis,it is confirmed that the main cause of high nitrogen content in molten steel is slagging to use high nitrogen content(4.6%) slow-release deoxidizer during refining.By using aluminum shot to replace slow-release deoxidizer,the nitrogen increases in refining process can be reduced from 43.4 × 10-6 to 11.4 × 10-6.By the measures including increasing the BOF tapping carbon from 0.06% to≥0.08%,reducing the heating power in the early stage of refining,and replace slow-release deoxidizer by Al shot,the nitrogen content of steel 10 B28 is stably controlled below 70 × 10-6,and the qualified rate of wire rod is increased from less than 50% to ≥98%.
作者 李智刚 和红杰 阎丽珍 Li Zhigang;He Hongjie;Yan Lizhen(Steel Making Plant of Xing Tai Iron and Steel Co Ltd,Xingtai 054027)
出处 《特殊钢》 2021年第5期49-51,共3页 Special Steel
关键词 冷镦钢10B28线材 结疤 N含量 缓释脱氧剂 Cold Heading Steel 10B28 Wire Rod Scab Nitrogen Content Slow Release Deoxidizer
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