

Strategies for the Protection and Rejuvenation of Traditional Towns from the Perspective of Dissipative Structure Theory--Take the historical and cultural town of Tongguanyi Town,Jiulongpo District,Chongqing as an example
摘要 城市发展是一种自组织过程,推动着城市发展成为一个有序的、稳定的系统。然而随着近现代工业的兴起,许多传统城镇的自组织发展机制被打破,城镇环境面貌、空间格局遭到了破坏,经济衰退使传统城镇逐渐沦为荒废衰亡的状态。位于重庆市九龙坡区的重庆市市级历史文化名镇铜罐驿镇代表了我国西南片区广大依山水而营建发展的传统城镇,同时又是近代铁路等工业文明冲击下重庆城市收缩的典型样板之一。文章引入自组织理论中最重要的耗散结构理论分析铜罐驿镇的发展进程,发现近代工业使名镇在区域社会体系中成为相对孤立的封闭系统,其自身的发展从多维度趋向熵增而进入衰亡状态;当系统接受负熵而消除熵时,名镇将从衰亡走向复兴。因此,从耗散结构角度提出易于引入负熵流的保护规划措施,通过政策引导,发展名镇文化产业,引起城镇产业功能涨落,形成新的稳定结构,促使城镇永续发展。 Urban development is a self-organizing process that promotes urban development into an orderly and stable system.However,with the rise of modern industry,the self-organizing development mechanism of many traditional towns has been broken,the urban environment and spatial structure have been destroyed,and the economic recession has gradually reduced the traditional towns to a state of desolation and decline.Located in the Jiulongpo District of Chongqing City,Tongguanyi Town,a municipal historical and cultural town in Chongqing,represents a traditional town built and developed on the basis of mountains and rivers in the southwestern area of my country.It is also a typical model of Chongqing's urban shrinkage under the impact of modern railways and other industrial civilizations.one.The article introduces the most important dissipative structure theory in the self-organization theory to analyze the development process of Tongguanyi town.It can be found that modern industry has made the famous town a relatively isolated and closed system in the regional social system,and its own development tends from multiple dimensions.Entropy increases and enters a state of decline;when the system accepts negative entropy and eliminates entropy,the famous town will go from decline to revival.Therefore,from the perspective of the dissipative structure,protection planning measures that are easy to introduce negative entropy flow are proposed,and through policy guidance,the development of cultural industries in famous towns will cause fluctuations in urban functions,form a new stable structure,and promote sustainable urban development.
作者 彭文峥 梁挺 Peng Wenzheng;Liang Ting(Department of Architectural Engineering,Chongqing Vocational College of Art and Engineering,Chongqing 402560,China)
出处 《城市建筑》 2021年第25期87-95,117,共10页 Urbanism and Architecture
基金 重庆市市级科研项目:重庆历史文化名村空间特色与文脉发展规律研究。
关键词 耗散结构理论 自组织 历史文化名镇 城镇发展 保护与复兴 dissipative structure theory self-organizing historical and cultural town town development protection and rejuvenation
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