
Research and industrial testing of dioxin emission reduction technology in the sintering process

摘要 Based on an analysis of the chlorine elements in each component of the sintering mixture,industrial tests of the use of dioxin reduction techniques in the sintering process were found to reduce the chlorine sources and inhibit the formation of dioxins.The dioxin reduction effect obtained in the industrial experiment was better than that in the sintering pot experiment,but their patterns were consistent.When urea is used as an inhibitor,the dioxins can be significantly reduced.When a 0.02%ratio of urea was added,a maximum dioxin emission reduction of 79%was obtained.Reducing the chlorine sources also had an obvious dioxin reduction effect,enabling a 69.49%reduction.In addition,when these two technologies were applied simultaneously,a significant emission reduction rate of 92.23%was achieved.The concentration of dioxins in flue gas dropped to 0.2421 ng TEQ/m^(3) before desulfurization,which meets the emission standard for dioxins in the final exhaust gas.
作者 YU Yongmei
机构地区 Research Institute
出处 《Baosteel Technical Research》 CAS 2021年第3期1-8,共8页 宝钢技术研究(英文版)
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