As the largest free trade agreement in the world,the signing of RCEP will surely cause major changes in the world trade pattern,which will also affect the export of the agricultural sectors of member countries.On the one hand,it broadens the agricultural products trade market and creates a good opportunity for the development of foreign trade of agricultural products in various countries.On the other hand,it also forces countries to face stronger competitors,thus posing a threat to their own agricultural sector.China has always been a big agricultural country,however,the agricultural products trade has a huge trade deficit in China,and the deficit has been increasing year by year,this showed that the international competitiveness of China’s agricultural products is declining.Based on the trade data of RCEP member countries from 1990 to2019,the competitive advantage index,international market share,symmetrical comparative advantage index,trade complementarity index,and trade competition index were calculated,the international competitiveness of member countries’agricultural products were measured,and these data were compared and analyzed.The results showed that among RCEP member countries,New Zealand and Australia have strong international competitiveness of agricultural products,while Japan and South Korea have very weak international competitiveness of agricultural products,and China and ASEAN have weaker international competitiveness of agricultural products;after joining the RCEP,China’s agricultural products market will be severely impacted by agricultural products from Australia and New Zealand,and the export structure of China’s agricultural products will be affected.Finally,based on the actual situation in China,relevant policy suggestions were put forward.
Li Jiamin;He Wei(Economics and Management School,Beijing University of Agriculture/Research Base of Beijing New Rural Construction,Beijing 102206)
Agricultural Outlook
RCEP agreement
international competitiveness
agricultural products trade