
Job Satisfaction of Hospitality Employees of the Department of Tourism Accredited Hotels in Baguio City

摘要 A high level of job satisfaction among workers in the hospitality industry improves the level of satisfaction among its guests.This study determined the level of job satisfaction of employees according to the identified factors which are perceived essential and will increase the employee’s level of performance.The study was composed of 219 rank and file employees.The study made use of a descriptive method to answer the research objectives.The findings showed that the employees of the DOT accredited hotels in Baguio City are very satisfied.The level of job satisfaction of Generation X and Millennials were both satisfied.However,younger employees are less satisfied with their jobs than older employees.Job satisfaction of hospitality employees according to gender showed that male employees were more satisfied than female employees.The significant differences in job satisfaction of males and females are their values,goals,and workplace expectations.Job satisfaction of hospitality employees varies according to their highest educational attainment.The findings showed that the higher the level of educational attainment among hospitality employees,the higher their satisfaction level.The employees believed that salaries and wages remain the most dominant factor in increasing their job satisfaction level.
机构地区 University of Baguio
出处 《Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management》 2021年第5期259-268,共10页 旅游与酒店管理(英文版)
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