
云南省2020年1-6月新报告HIV/AIDS的HCV与梅毒螺旋体感染状况分析 被引量:8

HCV and Treponema pallidum infection status in HIV/AIDS cases in Yunnan province,January-June,2020
摘要 目的分析云南省HIV/AIDS的HCV与梅毒螺旋体(TP)的感染状况及其相关因素,为防控HIV/AIDS的HCV与TP合并感染提供参考依据。方法采用横断面调查方法,选取2020年1月1日至6月30日云南省新报告HIV/AIDS作为研究对象。采用两种不同ELISA试剂检测血清HCV抗体,均阳性判定为HCV感染;采用ELISA法和甲苯胺红不加热血清试验检测TP,均阳性判定为TP感染;采用Excel 2016和SPSS 22.0软件进行数据整理和统计学分析,采用单因素和多因素logistic回归分析HCV及TP感染的相关因素。结果5922例HIV/AIDS中,HCV感染率为6.5%(383/5922),TP感染率为5.8%(344/5922),HCV和TP合并感染率为0.4%(22/5922)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,相比于≥50岁组、女性、离异/丧偶、汉族和大专及以上文化程度、报告地为滇东地区、男男性传播途径,较低年龄组(15~岁:aOR=3.53;20~岁:aOR=3.02;30~岁:aOR=2.91;40~49岁:aOR=3.61)、男性(aOR=2.31)、已婚/未婚(已婚:aOR=1.61;未婚:aOR=1.63);少数民族(aOR=1.70)、较低文化程度(小学及以下:aOR=4.69;初中或高中:aOR=3.96)、报告地为滇中或滇西地区(滇中:aOR=2.46;滇西:aOR=7.08)、注射吸毒传播途径(aOR=131.08)HIV/AIDS的HCV感染风险较高。相比于初中或高中文化程度、农民职业、报告地区为滇西地区和异性性传播途径,小学及以下或大专及以上文化程度(小学及以下:aOR=1.73;大专及以上:aOR=1.77)、其他职业(aOR=1.39)、报告地为滇东地区(aOR=1.75)、男男性传播途径(aOR=9.75)HIV/AIDS的TP感染风险较高。结论云南省2020年1-6月新报告HIV/AIDS中存在一定比例HCV与TP合并感染,合并感染的相关因素较多,应加强HIV/AIDS的HCV与TP血清学检测,开展HCV与TP合并感染的治疗。 Objective To understand the infection status of HCV and Treponema pallidum(TP)in HIV/AIDS cases in Yunnan province,and identify the risk factors.Methods Between January 1 and June 30 in 2020,a cross-sectional survey was conducted in Yunnan.Two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)kits were used to detect anti-HCV,the positive results of both two kits indicated HCV infection.ELISA and syphilis toluidine red untreated serum test were applied to identify TP infection.Both Excel 2016 and SPSS 22.0 software were used for statistical analysis,and logistic regression model was conducted to identify the relevant factors of HCV and TP infection.Results A total of 5922 HIV/AIDS cases were included in this study,the infection rates of HCV and TP were 6.5%(383/5922)and 5.8%(344/5922)respectively.The co-infection rate of HCV and TP was 0.4%(22/5922).The risk for HCV infection in HIV/AIDS cases was higher in younger age groups compared with age group≥50 years(15-19:aOR=3.53;20-29:aOR=3.02;30-39:aOR=2.91;40-49:aOR=3.61),in males than in females(aOR=2.31),in the married and unmarried than in the divorced or widowed(married:aOR=1.61;unmarried:aOR=1.63),in other ethnic groups than in Han ethnic group(aOR=1.70),in people with lower education level than in people with education level of college and above(primary school degree and below:aOR=4.69;middle school:aOR=3.96),in people living in the central and western Yunnan than in people living in eastern Yunnan(central Yunnan:aOR=2.46;western Yunnan:aOR=7.08),in injection drug users than in MSM(aOR=131.08).The risk of TP infection in HIV/AIDS cases was higher in people with education level of college and primary school than in middle school degree(primary school and below:aOR=1.73;college and above:aOR=1.77),in people with other occupations than in farmers(aOR=1.39),in people living in eastern Yunnan than in people living in western Yunnan(aOR=1.75);in MSM than in people with heterosex(aOR=9.75).Conclusions A certain proportion of HIV/AIDS cases reported between January and June in 2020 in Yunnan were co-infected with HCV and TP,many factors were associated with the co-infection.It is suggested to strengthen HCV and TP tests in HIV/AIDS cases and conduct active treatment of the co-infection.
作者 李荻菲 陈会超 金晓媚 戴洁 曾志君 杨敏 孙鹏艳 董莉娟 韩瑜 马艳玲 陈敏 宋志忠 Li Difei;Chen Huichao;Jin Xiaomei;Dai Jie;Zeng Zhijun;Yang Min;Sun Pengyan;Dong Lijuan;Han Yu;Ma Yanling;Chen Min;Song Zhizhong(School of Public Health,Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650500,China;Institute for AIDS/STD Prevention and Control,Yunnan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Kunming 650022,China)
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期1983-1988,共6页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
关键词 艾滋病病毒 丙型肝炎病毒 梅毒螺旋体 合并感染 HIV HCV Treponema pallidum Co-infection
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