
建设经济特区振兴东北:以共同富裕应对五大挑战 被引量:5

Build Special Economic Zone to Revitalize the Northeast:Rely on Common Prosperity to Meet the Five Great Challenges
摘要 振兴东北已经有17年的历史。然而2020年东北地区的GDP增长率只有1.1%,低于中部的1.3%、东部的2.9%和西部的3.3%,在全国垫底。[1]要扭转这一困局,必须在共同富裕的政策范式下推动东北的改革开放:参照当年的深圳模式在东北主要城市成立经济特区,通过税收、土地等政策优惠和东北-东部地区的对口合作机制,推动沿海地区企业(外资企业要去当然欢迎)到东北直接投资,利用它们的资本、技术、企业管理制度和市场渠道,帮助东北实现经济增长新旧动能的转换,降低地区间的增长不平衡。 The Northeast has been left behind in China’s economic development. It is time to adopt some radical measures to turn it around. Building special economic zone can attract domestic direct investments from the IT companies in the coastal regions. The capital, technology, corporate governance and access to both international and domestic markets of companies in the coastal regions, combine with the know-how of the traditional manufacturing industries in the Northeast, may enable China to develop the industrial internet of things and the service industry that helps the digitalization of various industries. This can reverse the current urbanization model, explore a new type of market economy, catch up the international trend of corporate strategy in the post-pandemic era, build new competitive advantage for China’s manufacturing industries, and prepare for more openness of the Chinese economy in the future.
作者 高柏 Gao Bai
出处 《文化纵横》 CSSCI 2021年第6期22-31,共10页
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