
药物化学教学中前沿性内容导入策略 被引量:3

Strategies for Introducing Cutting-edge Content in Medicinal Chemistry Teaching
摘要 针对药物化学教学中前沿性内容导入的意义及实现,文章从目前教材内容及教学存在的不足、前沿性内容导入对药物化学教学的深刻影响、前沿性内容融合的实施路径、介绍药物化学前沿成果开阔学生的专业视野、激发学生对药物化学课程的兴趣和热爱、激发学生的创新思维6个层面进行探讨,为药物化学教学理念和方法的转变、教学内容整合、构建完整知识体系、知识教学目标的再确定提供参考,拓宽药物化学理论教学的深度和广度。 The significance and realization of cutting-edge content introduction in medicinal chemistry teaching are discussed from six levels:the shortcomings of current textbook content and teaching,the profound influence of frontier content introduction on medicinal chemistry teaching,the implementation path of frontier content integration,the introduction of frontier achievements in medicinal chemistry to broaden students'professional horizons,stimulating students'interest and love for medicinal chemistry courses,and stimulating students'innovative thinking,which is to provide reference for the change of teaching concepts and methods,integration of teaching contents,construction of complete knowledge system,and redefinition of knowledge teaching objectives,and to broaden the depth and breadth of theoretical teaching of medicinal chemistry.
作者 王继波 张怡 Wang Jibo;Zhang Yi(School of Pharmacy,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China)
机构地区 青岛大学药学院
出处 《药学教育》 2021年第6期35-38,共4页 Pharmaceutical Education
关键词 药物化学教学 前沿性内容 意义 实施策略 medicinal chemistry teaching cutting-edge content significance implementation strategy
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