
贸易保护与知识产权影响下中国电子通信产业参与全球分工的时空演化 被引量:4

The spatiotemporal evolution of the division of labour of Chinese electronics and communication industry in global production networks under the impact of global trade protection and local intellectual property institution
摘要 中国电子通信产业受国际贸易保护的冲击日趋严重。国际贸易保护与地方知识产权制度通过影响企业参与全球生产网络(GPN)高技术附加值环节,而影响中国电子通信业在全球的分工。制度是衔接演化经济地理与GPN两个范式重要的共有要素,但已有文献对产业演化、制度变迁与GPN动态三者之间的融合缺乏关注,关于超国家制度与区域制度对区域产业嵌入GPN的复杂影响探讨不足。本研究基于2002—2016年间中国的国际贸易和相关制度数据,运用时间序列模型,分析中国电子通信产业嵌入GPN的分工情况对国际贸易保护与地方知识产权制度演变的时间响应;并进一步建立空间收敛模型,对不同区域间这一分工差异进行分析。研究发现,总体而言中国各地区电子通信业在国际分工中的差异未随时间变化而缩小,贸易保护使得区域间电子通信业参与全球分工的差异逐渐扩大,而知识产权制度则有助于缩小区域间的这一差异。具体发现:(1)在东部地区,各省份的国际分工差异随时间变化而扩大,而中部地区各省份的差异则在缩小。(2)从长期来看,贸易保护制度有助于提升中国整体和东部、中部地区电子通信业在国际上的水平分工度;东部地区对贸易保护制度的响应更快;贸易保护对东部地区在国际分工中位置变动的影响更强。(3)各地区知识产权保护对其产业嵌入GPN分工演化的影响不尽相同,且影响并不显著。研究结果对当前中国电子通信业遭遇贸易保护冲击以及"双循环"战略背景下制定相关政策具有指导意义。当下制定产业发展政策需要因地制宜,考虑各地区电子通信业发展的不同阶段,以实现出口额和产品附加值的双增长。 China’s electronics and communication industry is increasingly restricted by the international trade protection institution. The local intellectual property institution and international trade barriers jointly affect the division of labour in the global production network of China’s electronics communication industry. Institution is an important common element of the two paradigms-evolutionary economic geography and GPN. However, the fusion of research on the industrial evolution, institutional change and the dynamic change of regional industries embedded in GPN is not enough in existing literature. Extant literature is insufficient to discuss the diverse and complex effects of supranational institutions and regional institutions on regional industries embedded in GPN. Using the data on China’s international trade and related institutions from 2002 to 2016, this study analyses the spatiotemporal effects of international trade protection and local intellectual property institutions on China’s electronics communications industry’s participation in international division of labour based on time series model and spatial convergence analysis. It is found that in the long run, trade barriers help to improve the level of horizontal labour division for China as a whole, the eastern and central regions. The eastern region is more responsive to the institutions, and trade barriers have a stronger impact on the position change of the eastern region’s industry in the international division of labour. The influence of intellectual property protection on the division of labour evolution of regional industries embedded in GPN is not the same in different regions, and the influence is not significant. As a whole, the spatial differences of international division of labour in China’s electronics communication industry have decreased. The difference in the eastern region widened, while that in the central region narrowed. Trade barriers lead to increase of regional differences year by year, while intellectual property protection helps to narrow regional differences. In the future, when formulating relevant policies and institutions,it is necessary to take measures according to local conditions and take into account the different development stages of electronics and communication industry in different regions, so as to realize the growth of both the export volume and the added value of products.
作者 王翔宇 叶玉瑶 Nicholas A.Phelps 吴康敏 黄耿志 王洋 张虹鸥 WANG Xiangyu;YE Yuyao;Nicholas A.Phelps;WU Kangmin;HUANG Gengzhi;WANG Yang;ZHANG Hong'ou(Key Lab of Guangdong for Utilization of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System,Guangdong Open Laboratory of Geospatial Information Technology and Application,Guangzhou Institute of Geography,Guangdong Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510070,China;Institute of Strategy Research for Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area,Guangzhou 510070,China;Faculty of Architecture,Building and Planning,University of Melbourne,Melbourne 3010,Australia;Bartlett School of Planning,University College London,London WC 1H 0NN,United Kingdom;School of Geography and Planning,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275,China;Faculty of Geography,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,China)
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第12期3399-3419,共21页 Geographical Research
基金 国家重点研发计划(2019YFB2103101) 粤港澳大湾区战略研究院建设专项(2021GDASYL-20210401001) 广东省科学院实施创新驱动发展能力建设专项(2021GDASYL-20210103004、2020GDASYL-20200102002) 国家自然科学基金项目(42122007)。
关键词 贸易保护 知识产权保护 制度 演化范式 全球生产网络 分工 trade protection intellectual property rights protection institution evolutionary paradigm global production networks(GPNs) division of labour
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