
秦国的大一统治理与战时体制转型 被引量:2

Governace of United China in State of Qin and Its Wartime Transformation of Social System
摘要 秦昭王以降,东方国家频繁合纵抗秦。秦国凭借先期商鞅改革释放出的耕战红利以及合理战略布局,屡次破除东方合纵攻势,却引发一系列统合危机。这背后其实隐伏着东方社会否定秦国崛起模式这一重要历史线索,一并揭示秦国虽具有统一的军事实力,但仍亟须解决政治、意识形态层面的大一统难题。此后,《徕民》篇以改造传统爵制为名,提出调整战时体制的初步设想,意在化解时艰之余,敦促秦国统治阶层认真思考东方进取过程中“秦国认同”缺位的问题。统一前夕,吕不韦政治文化势力再进一步,欲以“客并天下”的方式置换秦国军功受益层,推动职业官僚系统建设与文化重建,进而转捩秦昭王的军事优先路线。此举具有历史前瞻性,但引起秦廷高级军功集团不满,遭到强烈抵制。秦甫一统,秦始皇确定以“公赋税重赏赐之”的方式安置高级军功集团,意在推动国家体制由军功爵本位向郡县官僚本位过渡。这实则涉及秦意欲破除战时体制裹挟王朝建设的深刻问题,但囿于改革不彻底,秦并未成功完成大一统,造成帝国速亡。 When King Zhao of the Qin State,came to reign over his state,the other states in the East frequently joined their strategic forces to resist the State of Qin.With the strength gathered from farming reform and and reasonable strategic layout released by Shang Yang,the State of Qin defeated time and again the joint offensives launched by those hosital states,but resulted in a series of national identity crises.Behind all this,there is an imp ortant historical clue that the eastern states negated the rising mode of the State of Qin,revealing that although having a unified military strength,there is still an urgent need to for the State of Qin to solve the problem of political and ideological unification.A preliminary idea of adjusting the wartime system of the State of Qin was put forward in the article "Lai Min" under the pretence of reforming the title system,intending to resolve the difficulties and urging the ruling class of the State of Qin to take into serious consideration the problem that the Eastern states did not agree with the State of Qin.Just before the unification of the State of Qin,Lu Buwei became more aggressive with political and cultural forces,and wanted to replace the military class of the Qin with his retainers,so as to push the change in the military-first policy of King Zhao of the Qin State.This move,though wise and correct in historical perspective,yet aroused the dissatisfaction of the senior military meritorious group of the Qin State and was strongly opposed by them.After the unification of the State of Qin,the First Emporer of the Qin decided to depower senior military meritorious heroes by rewarding them,and in this way,the Emperor expected to transform the national system from a military meritorious society to a prefectural system of bureaucracy.This social reform was imcomplete and resulted in the downfall of the Qin Dynasty.
作者 熊永 XIONG Yong
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期147-160,163,共15页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(21CZS011)。
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