

Adaptability of Liriodendron sino-americanum Seedlings to HDS Sediment in Dexing Copper Mine
摘要 研究木本植物幼苗在HDS底泥混合基质中生长状况,比较豆科植物与非豆科植物的适应性差异,为利用高大乔木树种开展德兴HDS底泥生态修复奠定基础。以我国南方常见落叶阔叶树种亚美马褂木和豆科植物合欢幼苗为试验材料,开展室内模拟盆栽试验,比较两种植物在不同浓度HDS底泥中的生长情况,从植物形态和生物量角度分析其对HDS底泥的适应性。研究结果表明,随着栽培基质中HDS底泥占比的增加,亚美马褂木株高、基径、叶片数和根长等指标变化不明显,但是地上部和根系生物量显著下降(P<0.05),而栽培基质中底泥的添加显著降低合欢形态指标并强烈抑制其生长。进一步的相关分析表明,栽培基质电导率和p H与合欢生长性状间的负相关关系达到极显著水平(P<0.01),而与亚美马褂木生长性状间的相关性不明显。HDS底泥的添加对两种植物的生长都呈现出抑制作用,特别表现为生物量的下降,但是对合欢表现为强烈的盐胁迫,而对亚美马褂木表现为非盐胁迫,说明亚美马褂木对HDS底泥的盐胁迫具有较强的适应性,可结合栽培管理措施进一步增强其耐受性。亚美马褂木对低浓度底泥混合基质具有适应性,可以作为德兴HDS底泥生态修复的潜在乔木树种。 To exploit the tall tree species in ecological restoration of HDS sediment in Dexing Copper Mine,the growth of woody plant seedlings in the mixed media of HDS sediment was studied to compare the differences of adaptability between leguminous plant and non-leguminous plant.Simulated pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse to investigate adaptability of Liriodendron sino-americanum and Albizia julibrissin to HDS sediment,in view of plant morphology and biomass.With the increase of HDS sediment addition in culture medium,shoot and root biomass of L.sino-americanum declined significantly( P < 0.05),but plant height,basal diameter and root length had no significant change,however addition of HDS sediment strongly restrained the growth of A.julibrissin.Further correlation analysis indicated that negative correlation between electrical conductivity and pH of culture medium and growth traits of A.julibrissin was extremely significant( P < 0.01),however it was not obvious for L.sino-americanum.Although both growth of A.julibrissin and L.sino-americanum were restrained by the addition of HDS sediment,performing in particular as decline of biomass,HDS sediment showed strong salt stress on A.julibrissin,but non salt stress on L.sino-americanum.It indicated that L.sino-americanum had strong adaptability to salt stress of HDS sediment,and the adaptability of L.sino-americanum to HDS sediment was possible to be increased combining with other agronomic measures and managements.In conclusion,L.sino-americanum exhibited a certain adaptability to HDS sediment,and could be used as a potential woody plant for ecological restoration of HDS sediment in Dexing Copper Mine.
作者 刘巧丽 徐志俊 李辉虎 余发新 LIU Qiaoli;XU Zhijun;LI Huihu;YU Faxin(Institute of Biological Resources,the Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Genetic and Improvement of Jiangxi Province,Jiangxi Academy of Sciences,330096,Nanchang,PRC;Yanshan State-Owned Forest Farm,237182,Lu'an,Aahui,PRC)
出处 《江西科学》 2022年第3期446-452,共7页 Jiangxi Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31960230) 中央财政林业科技推广示范项目(JXTG[2022]01号)。
关键词 德兴铜矿 HDS底泥 木本植物 乡土树种 矿山酸性水 Dexing Copper Mine HDS sediment woody plant native tree species acid mine water
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