
Inner Cascaded U^(2)-Net:An Improvement to Plain Cascaded U-Net

摘要 Deep neural networks are now widely used in the medical image segmentation field for their performance superiority and no need of manual feature extraction.U-Net has been the baseline model since the very beginning due to a symmetricalU-structure for better feature extraction and fusing and suitable for small datasets.To enhance the segmentation performance of U-Net,cascaded U-Net proposes to put two U-Nets successively to segment targets from coarse to fine.However,the plain cascaded U-Net faces the problem of too less between connections so the contextual information learned by the former U-Net cannot be fully used by the latter one.In this article,we devise novel Inner Cascaded U-Net and Inner Cascaded U^(2)-Net as improvements to plain cascaded U-Net for medical image segmentation.The proposed Inner Cascaded U-Net adds inner nested connections between two U-Nets to share more contextual information.To further boost segmentation performance,we propose Inner Cascaded U^(2)-Net,which applies residual U-block to capture more global contextual information from different scales.The proposed models can be trained from scratch in an end-to-end fashion and have been evaluated on Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge(BraTS)2013 and ISBI Liver Tumor Segmentation Challenge(LiTS)dataset in comparison to related U-Net,cascaded U-Net,U-Net++,U^(2)-Net and state-of-the-art methods.Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed Inner Cascaded U-Net and Inner Cascaded U^(2)-Net achieve better segmentation performance in terms of dice similarity coefficient and hausdorff distance as well as get finer outline segmentation.
出处 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2023年第2期1323-1335,共13页 工程与科学中的计算机建模(英文)
基金 supported in part by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.62172299) in part by the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Major Project(No.2021SHZDZX0100) in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universi-ties of China.
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