
钟繇故里考辨 被引量:2

The Textual Research and Analysis of Zhong Yao’s Hometown
摘要 钟繇作为“楷书之祖”在中国书法史上享有盛誉。当今学术界多依据《三国志·魏书·钟繇传》所载钟繇“颍川长社人”,直接认定钟繇故里在今许昌长葛市东,缺乏明确的史料支撑和逻辑论证。依据唐代《元和郡县图志》、北宋《太平寰宇记》,以及更早的南朝刘宋地理文献《述征记》的相关记载,唐宋尉氏县城西北三十五里的“故钟城”应是钟繇的故里,在今中牟县刁家乡城前张村北。通过对汉魏长社县境内地名的对应考证,复原出汉魏颍川郡长社县的大体辖境,中牟县刁家乡城前张村之“故钟城”正在汉魏长社县辖境的最北端。结合汉魏墓葬制度变迁的具体考察和历代碑刻的文献梳理,可知今中牟县城前张村钟城遗址南三里的浩坟岗、高坟岗一线,应是汉魏之际颍川郡钟氏家族的家族墓地所在。南宋时,原属尉氏县管辖的钟繇故里“故钟城”,已经改隶中牟县管辖。 Zhong Yao,as“the ancestor of regular script”,enjoys a high reputation in the history of Chinese calligraphy.According to Zhong Yao’s Biography in History of Wei Dynasty in The Records of Three Kingdoms,which said that Zhong Yao was born in“Changshe county in Yingchuan city”,today’s academic circle tends to directly identify Zhong Yao’s hometown to be located in the east of Changge in Xuchang city,yet this lacks the clear historical data support or logical argumentation.Based on the classical geographical documents such as Maps and Records of Provinces and Counties in Yuanhe years of Tang Dynasty,Records of the Peaceful land in North Song dynasty,and the earlier My Statements of the Expedition in the Liu Song period of Southern dynasty,we can identify the“Old Zhong city”,which was thirty-five miles northwest of Weishi county in Tang and Song dynasties,as the hometown of Zhong Yao,which now is located in the northern of Qianzhang village,Diaojia township,Zhongmu county.Through the corresponding textual research on the place names in Changshe county in Han and Wei dynasties,we restore the general border of Changshe county in Yingchuan city in Han and Wei dynasties,and discover that the“Old Zhong city”,which is located in Qianzhang village,Diaojia township,Zhongmu county,lies just in the northernmost part of the jurisdiction of Changshe county in Han and Wei dynasties.Combined with the concrete examination on the institutional change of tombs and graves in Han and Wei dynasties,and the literature review of inscriptions in past dynasties,it is known that the family cemetery of Zhong family,which lied in Yingchuan city in Han and Wei dynasties,now is located in the ruins of“Zhong city”in Qianzhang village in Zhongmu county.In Southern Song dynasty,the“Old Zhong city”,which was originally under the jurisdiction of Weishi county,was changed to the jurisdiction of Zhongmu county.
作者 陈隆文 Chen Longwen(Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou City,Henan Province,450001)
机构地区 郑州大学
出处 《黄河科技学院学报》 2022年第10期56-69,共14页 Journal of Huanghe S&T College
关键词 钟繇 钟繇故里 故钟城 钟皓墓 中牟县 Zhong Yao the hometown of Zhong Yao old Zhong city the tomb of Zhong Hao Zhongmu county
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