
Rapid fabrication of zwitterionic sulfobetaine vinylimidazole-based monoliths via photoinitiated copolymerization for hydrophilic interaction chromatography

摘要 Zwitterionic sulfobetaine-based monolithic stationary phases have attracted increasing attention for their use in hydrophilic interaction chromatography.In this study,a novel hydrophilic polymeric monolith was fabricated through photo-initiated copolymerization of 3-(3-vinyl-1-imidazolio)-1-propanesulfonate(SBVI)with pentaerythritol triacrylate using methanol and tetrahydrofuran as the porogenic system.Notably,the duration for the preparation of this novel monolith was as little as 5 min,which was significantly shorter than that required for previously reported sulfobetaine-based monoliths prepared via conventional thermally initiated copolymerization.Moreover,these monoliths showed good morphology,permeability,porosity(62.4%),mechanical strength(over 15 MPa),column efficiency(51,230 plates/m),and reproducibility(relative standard deviations for all analytes were lower than 4.6%).Mechanistic studies indicated that strong hydrophilic and negative electrostatic interactions might be responsible for the retention of polar analytes on the zwitterionic SBVI-based monolith.In particular,the resulting monolith exhibited good anti-protein adhesion ability and low nonspecific protein adsorption.These excellent features seem to favor its application in bioanalysis.Therefore,the novel zwitterionic sulfobetaine-based monolith was successfully employed for the highly selective separation of small bioactive compounds and the efficient enrichment of N-glycopeptides from complex samples.In this study,we prepared a novel zwitterionic sulfobetaine-based monolith with good performance and developed a simpler and faster method for preparation of zwitterionic monoliths.
出处 《Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第5期783-790,共8页 药物分析学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.:82173773 and 82073806) the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province,China(Grant Nos.:2020A1515010569 and 2021A0505030039) Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou,China(Grant No.:202102020729).
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